If we could capture one part in ten thousand of the sunlight that falls on
the Earth we could meet 100% of our energy needs, using this renewable and
environmentally friendly source.

As we apply new molecular scale technologies to solar panels, the cost per
watt is coming down rapidly. Already Deutsche Bank, in a recent report,
wrote "The cost of unsubsidized solar power is about the same as the cost
of electricity from the grid in India and Italy. By 2014 even more
countries will achieve solar 'grid parity.'"

The total number of watts of electricity produced by solar energy is
growing exponentially, doubling every two years. *It is now less than seven
doublings from 100%.*

Kurzweil has a great track record for recognizing technology that is
growing exponentially.   He was one of the first to describe the cost of
plotting the genome as decreasing in price exponentially.

I think it also makes sense, when it comes to solar energy.  The amount of
money being invested in this is huge and it's actually creating real, and
very important results.

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