
On Tue, Dec 17, 2013 at 2:00 AM, John Franks <jf27...@gmail.com> wrote:

It's because cold fusion is rubbish.There's no data, no mechanism, it's
> inhabited by cranks with a bunker mentality. You talk lies about 100%
> repeatability and offer youtube videos as evidence, instead of proper
> conferences, attended by professionals (for and against) with questions
> from the floor to the presenters. You're just playing at science, like a
> children's tea party.

You're aiming for an easy target.  This list has never aimed for scientific
rigor.  We're all self-conciously amateurs (with a few non-amateurs quietly
watching from the sidelines), sharing what is of interest to us.  Your
observations above, while perhaps true on some level, are nothing
news-breaking.  See:


There have been some bright sceptics who have come and gone because their
tone became uncivil, which is unfortunate, because they had some good
observations to make.  In your case, your observations would be a tad
better if they were specific, and about specific claims, rather than being
overbroad generalities.

All the best,

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