From: Mark Iverson (about 9 months ago):  This story might tie in to what
Jones has been saying in a number of vortex postings. Is the radius of a
proton wrong?

In answering Mark, back then, a little more detail was added to the
contention that the proton, despite being a fundamental particle - is
surprisingly NOT very well known, physically !  To requote Asimov: The most
exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds new discoveries, is
not "Eureka!" ("I found it!") but rather "hmm ... that's funny ..."

I'm bringing this up again today, in the context of LENR, since there is
apparently a new paper out (which I have not seen yet) which builds on the
observation that an all-important factor [slight variation in proton mass]
can provide a theoretical short-cut to an more effective theory for thermal
gain in LENR.

In short, the size and mass of the proton are not certain with great
precision, and probably not stable, and certainly not quantized. That may
come as a surprise, but if the quark mass is not quantized, then how could
the proton mass be, since it depends on quark mass? It is true that what can
be called the "average proton mass" is known to within the range of PPM
(parts per million), but there is still a lot of potential "overage" (mass
above the average mass) which can be employed to provide excess heat in LENR
experiments - yet with none of the normal indicia of nuclear reactions. As
little as one PPM of "overage" in the heavier protons in any experiment
(including the protons of the host metal), if fully used and converted into
energy, provides a thousand times more energy than chemical processes.

In fact, this overage-mass is not exactly "nuclear" but more precisely
"subnuclear" in the sense that no real nuclear change takes place in the
identity of the reactant, and the identity of the proton stays intact.
Subnuclear mass will change within the mélange of various particles,
resulting in a range for the larger accumulation. The textbook values for
other physical properties of protons are almost as flakey. Mass of the
proton, historically, was measured at different values in different
countries using different techniques, and even in modern times with Penning
traps, there are severe problems with the generally accepted value. And
since a 125 GeV Higgs isn't compatible with the Standard Model, the
reference frame is crumbling.

Believe it or not - along with the lack of definitive physical measurement -
there is NO decent model or hypothesis to predict the mass of a Proton! Wow.
Many in fizzix assume there is at least a workable model, but they are
wrong. (there have been dozens of efforts to do this, as in QCD - but none
has gotten much traction AFAIK.)

Since proton mass cannot be derived elegantly from other known values, it is
taken on faith as a practical matter. I should mention that this unit of
mass could be related to various beta-decay processes - and it has been
derived that way (several attempts have been made). However, there are too
many transformations to account for in nuclear decay - such as spin, kinetic
energy, weak isospin, weak hypercharge, color charge, bosons/gluon identity,
not to mention: quark mass and neutrino mass and therefore: the quandary of
variable-mass remains. We need a derivation from first principles which
matches actual measurements. None exists. 

My contention is that no proper derivation exists because the mass of the
proton is inherently variable. 

BTW - in the Standard Model, the mass of the proton is given as 1.672 621
637 x 10^ -27 kg, or 938.272013 MeV, or 1.007 276 466 77 atomic mass units.
Other values can still be found in "official" sources and I'm not sure where
this one comes from, but who cares? It is slightly wrong ... if the billions
spent on the Higgs was well-spent.

More on this topic - when the details and citation for the paper in question



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