Brillouin has both good and bad design items in their system. Starting off
with the bad part, Brillouin uses wire as a substrate for their reaction.
The limited surface area that contains the cavities and bumps on the wire
surface where the LENR reaction takes place is limited. Because of this
fundamental limitation, Brillouin will likely never achieve a high
coefficient of performance (COP) that marks superior operation of a
dominant cold fusion system.

In contrast, the systems from Rossi and DGT due to the use of very small
particles have orders of magnitude more surface area and therefore very
many more cavities owing to the topology of nano-particle piles.

They both use low boiling point metals to catalyze copious nanoparticle
production. This helps a great deal.

But the method of stimulation in these Ni/H reactors is very poor in the
Rossi system and just a little better in the DGT system… but not as good as
it could be… owing to the nature of their low voltage drawn out 24 kv pulse.

On the other hand, Brillouin partially makes up for their poor numbers of
nuclear active sites by using a sharp excitation pulse to excite the NAEs
into energy production.

By sharp excitation, I mean very high voltage and short duration nanosecond
electrical pulse that is fast enough in duration to avoid destroying the
NAE. Unlike both Rossi and DGT, Brilloiun has demonstrated that pure
electrical stimulation can produce cold fusion.

When the Brilloium system is taken as a whole taking into account the good
things in the system with the bad things, the system is a below average
performer forever constrained by its use of a wire substrate.

It may be possible to combine the use of billions of small particles
together with a sharp nondestructive low amperage and high voltage
electrical stimulation producing a large instantaneous power pulse. This
may result in a totally controllable high performance reaction with a very
high COP potential. As far as I can tell, nobody has yet tried such a
Brilloium/Rossi hybrid system yet, but it just might work.

On Wed, Jan 15, 2014 at 12:48 PM, Jed Rothwell <>wrote:

> See:

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