If hydrinos exist, the use of hydrino power may produce a surplus in
hydrino gas. 

Its probable that this substance is no toxic and not a
greenhouse gas. 

But I'm not so sure that will happened then it reach
the ozone layer. 

Ozone is highly oxidative and may be destroyed by

Are there any study about this? 

On Fri, 17 Jan 2014
16:17:05 -0500, "Mike Carrell"  wrote:   

I'm a long-standing
observer/participant in Vortex, CMN S and the former Hydrino Study
Group, and now the Society for Classical Physics [moderated by Dr,
Farrell with Dr. Mills as a participant.] For what it's worth, I have
shaken hands with both Mills and Fleischmann. I think I can give some
perspective on the current discussion. Mills' back-story includes study
at MIT where he gained new insight into the physics of accelerated
electrons which led to his Orbitsphere model and the possibility of
"sub-ground" states induced by the *CLOSE PROXIMITY* of energy holes
presented by catalysts. Mainstream physics teaches a "ground state" of
*ISOLATED* hydrogen atoms. The "Resonant Transfer" reactions postulated
and experimentally verified by Mills requires the **close proximity** of
an energy hole receptor of specific magnitudes to effect a
*NON-RADIATIVE ENERGY TRANSFER* from the H atom, destabilizing it, which
then shrinks into the hydrino state. In that moment, the H atom is no
longer *ISOLATED*. 

In Mills' current work, the favored hydrino state
is H[1/4]; spectroscopic signatures of lower states have been seen. The
energy release is measured at 200 times the energy required to produce
an isolated H atom. Mills' task has been to find a means to utilize this
energy on a commercial scale. The above are not speculations, but based
on experiments done with instruments calibrated to national standards by
a staff which includes six Ph.D.s and independent laboratories. Mills'
experiments have included liquid, gas, and solid phases. The solid fuels
include compounds of inexpensive materials when heated create the
catalytic conditions for H atoms also in the molecule to transition to
the hydrino state: hence CIHT- Catalyst Induced Hydrino Transition.

This is the invention of master chemist. 

Mills has been supported by
$[tens of millions] from private investors over a period of some 20
years. He is under no obligation to publish, but his publication record
is exemplary, with over 90 Journal papers, three books available as free
downloads from the BLP website. He has an obligation to protect his
investors with a strong patent position. A irony is that his major
discovery is world-changing but is a natural phenomenon which cannot be
patented as such. This is typical of 'chemical' patents. His patent
disclosers are descriptive of many possible strategies and ingredients
[to catch any copiers] while concealing in plain sight the optimum path
which s disclosed to licensees. Mills has shown "reduction to practice"
by frequent posting on his website technical papers at each stage of his
progress. One might see these as 'field notes' which with refinement
wind up in juried technical journals listed on the website. Summary and
tutorial information makes its way into the Grand Unified Theory of
Classical Physics, available as a free download form the website. 

of the preset writing, the BLP website is in a very fluid state, which
has led to misunderstandings by participants of Vo and CMNS to jump to
conclusions, but others to dig in and do homework. The Home Page is
current and contains links to relevant papers and the patent disclosure.
The rest covers an earlier embodiment of CIHT with excellent validation
reports. BLP is revising he website and has promised a demonstration of
the new device on Jan. 28 to a restricted audience. Even that is not the
whole system, for it will not include the magnetohydrodynamic cryogenic
output module.  

Mills chooses his words carefully, and even apparently
radical statements have an observational base. He must present a
positive outlook to keep his investors happy without compromising the
growing patent position. The current device is a compact machine to feed
a series of fuel pills to a reaction chamber and to recharge the pills
with ordinary water and reuse them. The reaction chamber zaps the pills
with a arc discharge which excites them into a reaction state which
includes transition of H to H[1/4]. The time scale of this reaction is
extremely short. Expressed in watts, the pulse is easily in the megawatt
range as stated in the press release. Capturing this energy with a MHD
module and converting it to 60 Hz AC will be another remarkable
exercise, but such is within the state of the art of electric power

There are two paths ahead for BKLP CIHT technology:
domestic appliance and industrial and motive resource. Both create
electrical output from any water source, utilize cheap materials, and
create zero pollution. Patents expire; eventually this technology can be
utilized by any industrialized nation. 

The familiar Bohr planetary
model of the atom has been very useful, but on close inspection has very
serious problems. Mills' Orbitsphere model with spheres of zero
thickness of charge orbiting in great circle paths and make one's brain
creak. In past years there have been savage attacks on that model, but
Mills has given a detailed derivation which has silenced his most savage
critic. A byproduct of that model is molecular modeling software for
very complex molecules which give accurate results with very modest
computer resources. It is marketed by Millsian and is finding rapidly
growing acceptance. 

Mike CarrellS 


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