Axil Axil <> wrote:

The amount of public exposure and hype that LENR developers undertake is
> related to fund rising to support business and R&D activity.
> This includes demos. Rossi has been quite since . . .

You mean "quiet." I do not think Rossi's demonstrations were related to his
fund raising activity. He was turning down money when he was doing the
demonstrations. Then, for a while, he thought he was funded by Defkalion.

I do not know why he did the demos. I suppose he wanted people to believe
him, which is human nature. At the same time, he does not want many people
to believe him.

Patterson tried to do carefully calibrated demonstrations that were a
little convincing but not too convincing. Just enough to convince Motorola
to give him money but not so convincing that others would notice and
compete with him. Needless to say, this strategy is ridiculous.

- Jed

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