Instead of hijacking the previous thread, one detail is now morphed into a
new topic based on this exchange.

                From: John Berry 

                DR wrote... I find that the CoE is an effective way to
validate the interactions among them.
                JB Really? ...Do you know how the Neutrino was 'Discovered',
or should I say Invented? ...There was an apparent breach of the CoE in
nuclear fusion (IIRC) and it was assumed that because they must balance
anyway that the missing energy forms into some hard to detect particle.
This is a pretty good summary of what science must do to "adjust the books"
on the rare occasions when things do not work out as expected - since the
neutrino was indeed an "invented" species... but it was not invented from
scratch, so to speak - since there were other properties which we needed to
account for, besides "some" of the missing energy in the solar fusion cycle,
leading to helium. 

We also have conservation of spin, angular momentum, charge, lepton number
etc. and therefore the neutrino filled many roles before it was finally
discovered in the fifties. But the prevalence of solar neutrinos still after
half a century comes up short of the number that "should be there," even
with next "invention" which is called neutrino oscillation. LENR now
provides the same opportunity to describe a new kind of exothermic reaction
- both on Earth and in the Stars (having a solar model).

Neutrinos are not massless, as we now know, but seemed to be when first
detected during nuclear experiments on Earth. NOTE also that the value of
neutrino mass itself is NOT DEDUCTED from the standard solar model
calculations and that failure may imply that the problem is more extreme.
IOW - if the neutrino mass were accounted for in the first instance, then
the so-called solar neutrino problem would be more severe than it seems
(even with "oscillation" another kludge).

OK - I'm mentioning all of this neutrino business as background for the
proposition that the best way to explain one important version of LENR - the
one involved in the Rossi effect (and probably the Mills effect as well) is
by way of that major physical detail which neutrino detection has made clear
to us. 

Which is to say that we may not have been stating the problem correctly.
There is another large energy source on the sun besides deuterium fusion !
Maybe more than one, since Mills has an explanation for a hydrino energy
source in the corona, but there is another one which I'm proposing.

First - let's be clear that the major detail which the standard cosmological
model misses is that the net energy release on our Sun, as evidenced by
neutrinos - is at least twice the level that it should be from fusion to
helium - and possibly triple. The solar neutrino problem can be verbalized
in two ways and the second way is NOT that there are missing neutrinos (ALL
neutrinos are accounted for) but that there is another primary source of
energy (perhaps more than one) besides the known nuclear fusion reaction of
deuterium, which ends in helium.

Mills finds one of those gainful reactions in the solar corona through
excess UV emissions due to hydrogen redundancy. 

The other one in this hypothesis is being called RPF or reversible proton
fusion. In short, the reaction of two protons which forms a diproton, which
is the most prevalent nuclear reaction in the Universe by far, is not net

This RPF reaction provides via QCD a fraction of the net energy of the sun
without any neutrinos and thus balances the books more elegantly than any
other model. 

Moreover, it is also the same energy pathway which turns up in
nickel-hydrogen LENR on Earth.


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