On Mon, Jan 27, 2014 at 10:15 PM, H Veeder <hveeder...@gmail.com> wrote:

A new cosmology successfully explains the accelerating expansion of the
> universe without dark energy; but only if the universe has no beginning and
> no end.
> http://www.technologyreview.com/view/419984/big-bang-abandoned-in-new-model-of-the-universe/
> As one of the few astrophysical events that most people are familiar with,
> the Big Bang has a special place in our culture. And while there is
> scientific consensus that it is the best explanation for the origin of the
> Universe, the debate is far from closed. However, it’s hard to find
> alternative models of the Universe without a beginning that are genuinely
> compelling.
> That could change now with the fascinating work of Wun-Yi Shu at the
> National Tsing Hua University in Taiwan. Shu has developed an innovative
> new description of the Universe in which the roles of time space and mass
> are related in new kind of relativity.
> Shu’s idea is that time and space are not independent entities but can be
> converted back and forth between each other. In his formulation of the
> geometry of spacetime, the speed of light is simply the conversion factor
> between the two. Similarly, mass and length are interchangeable in a
> relationship in which the conversion factor depends on both the
> gravitational constant G and the speed of light, neither of which need be
> constant.
I really like where this is going.  I think we have at least one resident
astrophysicist.  It would be nice to have a sense of what to look out for
in order to falsify it as well as how "out-there" it seems to people
working in the field.


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