This line of inquiry might lead to something important.  The large field that 
DGT reported was varying with time if I recall correctly and that behavior can 
definitely by described as a spectrum of signals.  The low frequency RF that 
you are considering can penetrate into the nickel surface a moderate distance.  
The electrons on and just blow the surface will likely be driven in large 
numbers as they attempt to counter the incoming field and this joint movement 
may be important as well.

I have been considering a low frequency magnetic field, perhaps even DC, since 
one of that nature can penetrate entirely through the nickel particles.  What 
if the DC like component of the field establishes a resonant condition for one 
or both types of nuclei at a second frequency.   Now, coupling between nearby 
NAE exits at a relatively low frequency especially if the "Q" of these 
resonances is high.  At this point it is not clear how the fusion event is 
initiated, but there appears to be a path for energy to exit the active spots 
via the magnetic coupling.  And, if we are so fortunate, the energy leaving the 
reaction point will reinforce the original field in a positive feedback manner 
with a gain greater than unity.   Under this condition, the magnetic field and 
the LENR energy both will grow together and some of the coordinated field will 
penetrate the case and be measured by DGT and others.

How would we determine that a low frequency resonance actually exists in this 
case?  Is the data presented by Dr. Jones adequate to suggest this is true?   
Is there reason to think that NMR can occur at low frequencies when a very 
large magnetic field is applied to either or both nickel and hydrogen?  We 
probably should also consider the behavior of the ash components as we search 
for the underlying effects.





-----Original Message-----
From: Jones Beene <>
To: vortex-l <>
Sent: Sun, Feb 9, 2014 6:04 pm
Subject: RE: [Vo]:Spin this ...

-----Original Message-----
From: Bob Cook 

> I first did NMR experiments in my senior year, 1961, at Ed's alma mater...

With that kind of NMR experience, Bob, perhaps you can help me out with
this. We could be on the door steps of locating a missing piece of the
puzzle connecting LENR to NMR. 

The devil is in the details. I've stumbled upon what could be an important
reference to the "Stark shift" in hydrogen at 429 kHz. That is unlikely to
be a coincidence with the SJ presentation.

The Stark effect is the electric analogue of the Zeeman effect where a
spectral line is split into several components due to the presence of a
magnetic field. It is mentioned in Randell Mills work, and it has Rydberg
values written all over it.

Of course, many in LENR look at Mills' work as little more than a
predecessor state or transitory condition which leads to LENR, and one which
is perhaps not even exothermic on its own. It therefore must progress to
something nuclear to achieve thermal gain. That lack of full understanding
is why BLP has been unable to show anything more interesting than
spot-welder "firecrackers" in 2014.

But this finding of Steven Jones - of an RF signature at ~430 kHz coincident
with a large energy spike in LENR could be a smoking gun which opens up the
entire field to a higher level of understanding.

The obvious next step - when one knows the signature for gain (assuming this
is it) - is to apply input power at that frequency (or maybe a quarter wl)
and look for positive feedback.

After all the surname of NMR is resonance. Heck, we could be looking an
"inverse Mossbauer effect" in 61 Ni.


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