One of the unrecognized applications of the NiH reactor is its application
to gravity modification.

According to the theory expressed in this thread, since the NiH reactor
contains superconducting fields of distorted and degenerate vacuum
energy generated by enormous self reinforcing magnetic fields, high
rotational rates of the NiH reactor structure  will produce gravity
modification both as a attractive or repulsive force.

A tractor/repluser beam projector may be possible to construct via rotation
of these magnetic traps or EMF black holes  as has been described by

On Thu, Feb 20, 2014 at 4:51 PM, John Berry <> wrote:

> According to Einstein's theory of general relativity, a moving mass should
> create another field, called gravitomagnetic field, besides its static
> gravitational field. This field has now been measured for the first time
> and to the scientists' astonishment, it proved to be no less than one
> hundred million trillion times larger than Einstein's General Relativity
> predicts.

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