I couldn't agree more with your take.   As a serial biotech entrepeneur, a
couple of which went fairly big for a while, the NEED to get rather large
too quickly doomed 3 of them.  I always said that we had a million dollar
appetite on a beer budget. Small is good.

On Thu, Feb 27, 2014 at 4:29 PM, Lennart Thornros <>wrote:

> I did not vote for Obama. I do not like his politics very much. The
> problem is that I dislike most of everything out of the mouth of a
> politician. Therefore I will defend Obama a little. It is not his fault.
> Reality is that it is hard to start a business.
> Even worse it is 25 times harder than most people can handle to make it
> survive. (Can be backed with stats:.)
>  So what is the problem?
> I have an answer and it is a little of a repetition. We need to change our
> philosophy. Bigger is not better.Small is beautiful.
> Unfortunately your attempts to start a business was made very difficult by
> the rules/laws that asks you to behave like a major corporation from day
> one. It does not support your ambitions because politicians thinks small
> businesses can not do much good. They do not understand that small flexible
> organizations can do what large (GM, GE, IBM) has no department for because
> it is so small. The politician reads all the time that all growth has been
> accomplished by small medium sized companies. They just refuse to draw the
> conclusion that small companies are good for the society. The reason is
> that being part of the most enormous bureaucracy we have make them
> defensive to small ill-defined entities. They rather talk to one big bank
> for example and think that the rest will follow suite.
> In today's fast and reliable communication/information world, it is easy
> to organize small entities so that they can accomplish what large
> organizations can do just as well and at a fraction of the cost.
> Unfortunately this is a political problem so I can see your frustration.
> You know how the politician will see at least you have my idea above. What
> is a little amazing is that among people in Vortex, with such an open mind
> to physics, cannot see the need for a more small scale business and public
> sector utilizing all the modern technology you guys have created. Think
> about any project you have been involved in. Is it not true that there were
> just a few individuals that took on the job and whole horde of bureaucrats
> who wanted to have their say for reasons hard to determine and increasing
> with the level of success in the project. I promise you were seeing the
> situation right. It was just easier to just ignore the BS and concentrate
> on the real issues while the bureaucrats dealt with how to get some credit
> from the work.
> Best Regards ,
> Lennart Thornros
> +1 916 436 1899
> 6140 Horseshoe Bar Road Suite G, Loomis CA 95650
> "Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a
> commitment to excellence, intelligent planning, and focused effort." PJM
> On Thu, Feb 27, 2014 at 7:40 AM, <> wrote:
>> I voted for Obama and I listened to what he said.  He said to start a
>> small business and hire someone.  Its the thing to do after you have
>> retired.  I have tried.
>>  Cold fusion proved to be to hard of a nut for me to crack and I backed
>> off.
>>  I next built a cell phone adapter for older cars.  I was cheep,worked
>> well, and could possibly save lifes.   It was the kind of product that
>> Obama ordered.  I built and tested it.  A video is below.
>>  Heath Kit almost took it as a kit. Too bad they went bankrupt.  The
>> product worked but failed in the marketplace.
>> Consumer products are too cheep for home manufacture.  I could not make
>> the device by myself for $9 and sell it.  No large manufacturer wanted it.
>>  Darn!
>>  Next I tried a mining relay.  It detected the condition of an
>> open ground wire.  Joy Loader invited me to their office and I presented a
>> dog a pony show.  Companies will let you in if you have something.  Once
>> again my timing was not right and the coal industry had other priorities.
>>  The detector they had was good enough.  I was 20 years to late with this
>> product.   I have no video of this.
>>  Next I wrote books; one in physics, one in electronics, and one
>> in computer science.  These products are out but they only generate $40 per
>> month.  They are not a commercial success.  I thank you amazon and the many
>> other who have helped me.
>>  Now I am into recyclable bottle detectors.  I have a technical problem.
>>  Dear President Obama.  It is not easy to start a
>> small business in today's environment.
>>  Frank Z

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