Last night I had a conversation with a former diplomatic attaché to Poland
during the cold war and it is apparent that the nationalist "fanatics" as
you call them (did you know that "genocide" is defined in terms of the
attack on national identity as did the Soviets against the Ukranians during
the Holomodor?) the WW II experience of Ukranians is quite relevant.

Without that experience, it is quite likely that they would have simply
gone with the EU/Nato for the higher prices they can get for wheat as well
as their choke-point on Russian natural gas.

I find it ironic that the people who crow the loudest about "genocide" are
the people who are committing genocide, according to its accepted legal
definition, around the world via globalism.

On Fri, Feb 28, 2014 at 5:05 PM, Daniel Rocha <> wrote:

> I am not talking about WWII, I am talking about now. Nazis were defeated
> (except for some lunatics that call themselves like this, but they are too
> few). Russia politics is not related to that one before, except for its
> protective powers.
> In Ukraine, these guys were never dealt with properly. That's a bad move
> from Russia, but the speculative market acted too fast and emptied people's
> pockets too fast.
> 2014-02-28 19:53 GMT-03:00 James Bowery <>:
> Don't forget that just prior to Hitler's rise to power -- Russia killed
>> off millions of Ukranians.  People never seem to get that connection to
>> Hitler's rise to power.  People were terrified of the communists and
>> rightfully so.
>> On Fri, Feb 28, 2014 at 4:52 PM, Daniel Rocha <>wrote:
>>> It's not reemergence of Russian power, it's its the weaning of its
>>> remaining protective power in a too small period of time.
>>> At Syria, they are losing to religious fanatics. At Ukrania, they are
>>> losing to nationalist fanatics, strongly related to Nazi collaborationists
>>> from WWII, that helped them kill Jews, Gipsys, Slavs.
>>> --
>>> Daniel Rocha - RJ
> --
> Daniel Rocha - RJ

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