
Momentum in a linear product of mass and velocity.  Energy is a non linear 
product with velocity being squared in the equations.  The two are not 

There should be no problem taking two non spinning particles and ending up with 
opposite spins due to internal forces.   These could independently interact 
with other particles to transmit the energy.  Of course the initial spin energy 
of the two static particles must be derived from some other potential source of 

It is important to keep the concept of angular energy and angular momentum 
separate just as with linear momentum and kinetic energy.





-----Original Message-----
From: Bob Cook <>
To: vortex-l <>
Sent: Wed, Mar 5, 2014 5:01 pm
Subject: Re: [Vo]:"Christopher H. Cooper"

I think there is a large number of particles involved in the fractionation of 
energy resulting from LENR.  Otherwise the structure would be damaged so as not 
to produce LENR anymore.  
I agree that angular momentum can not be generated, however, if two particles 
with equal but opposite spin--angular momentum--in the same system come 
together the net angular momentum is zero.  How the spin energy for a system  
couples and excanges with potential energy is  where better understanding is 
You noted the following:
> I have difficulty accepting the notion that potential energy can be converted 
> into angular momentum.<
What is the basis for this lack of acceptance?
----- Original Message ----- 
From:   David   Roberson 
Sent: Wednesday, March 05, 2014 1:27   PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:"Christopher H.   Cooper"


I   agree with you that two particles are not required to conserve linear   
momentum.  I have difficulty accepting the notion that potential energy   can 
be converted into angular momentum.  Angular momentum can not be   generated in 
a closed system IIRC unless an equal amount of the opposite sign   is co 
generated.  The net system AM remains constant.

If your   assumed reaction includes a larger system of particles than the two 
initial   particles then energy and momentum can be traded among the larger   




-----Original   Message-----
From: Bob Cook <>
To: vortex-l   <>
Sent: Wed, Mar 5, 2014 4:01 pm
Subject: Re:   [Vo]:"Christopher H. Cooper"

You said:
>>Yes,   that is what I'm saying. LENR can not result in a single alpha because 
>>two   particles are required to conserve momentum when energy is released.   
I note that,   if there is no linear momentum to start, two particles would not 
be   required.  I do not believe conservation of angular momentum requires two  
 particles either.  And keep in mind that potential energy may be changed   to 
the energy of angular momentum/spin energy in LENR.
----- Original Message ----- 
From:     Edmund     Storms 
Cc: Edmund Storms 
Sent: Wednesday, March 05, 2014 12:06     PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:"Christopher H.     Cooper"

On Mar 5, 2014, at 12:28 PM, Jones Beene wrote:

From: Edmund Storms       

Jones, bremsstrahlung       or "slowing down radiation" is not
produced by photons. 

Who       said it was? 

I'm not answering a claim. I'm simply giving information. You brought     up 
photons by talking about gamma emissions, which are photons. You then     added 
the production of bremsstrahlung, which I simply pointed out is not     
produced by gamma. 

You brought up photons. I asked for adequate documentation
of       intense photon emission - and am still waiting.


I sent a list of references. If you want a copy of a     particular paper to 
read, ask and I will send what I have.      Unfortunately, I can not send using 
Vortex and I can not send all the     papers. 

This is generated by       energetic electrons or particles such
as alpha emission. LENR produces       neither kind of radiation. 

What? Are you now saying that the       helium you claim to see in Pd-D does not
begin as an alpha       particles?


Yes, that is what I'm saying. LENR can not result in a single     alpha because 
two particles are required to conserve momentum when energy is     released. 

Therefore,       bremsstrahlung is not an issue because all the
mass-energy is       dissipated as photons.

There is no proof of     this.


The proof is in the behavior. This is the only conclusion     consistent with 
all behavior. Unfortunately, a book is required to present     this information 
in a form and as complete as you require. I'm attempting to     do this. Please 
be patient.


The only question is       how this happens.  I have proposed a
mechanism. The only issue is       whether this mechanism is plausible and
consistent will all the other       observations. 

It is not plausible if you cannot document photons       sufficient to account 
the heat. 


I agree, the measurement of heat and radiation have not been     done in a way 
to show a quantitative correlation. However, I suggest you     apply this 
standard to the other explanations as well. If you do, I think     you will 
have to agree that no explanation meeting this requirements     presently 
exists, including your own.

Ed Storms

Where is the documentation?



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