Hi Terry, my old friend.


Yes, I did follow through to both web sites, the current one and the other
still under construction. It might be interesting to see what they
eventually post at the new cite. I assume they will post lots of far-off
stuff, some of it controversial. Maybe Jesus-flipping-the-bird will feel
compelled to add some more succulent critiques. ;-)


Regarding your thoughts on PD versus FOC:


Freedom of Choice versus PreDestination has been hotly debated for
centuries. I find it interesting that not only did science try to explain
the universe as nothing more than a big lumbering predictable machine,
certain religious philosophies have gotten into the act as well.


There exists a particular not well known contemporary religious-like
philosophy that I personally find appealing. The philosophy states that when
you are confronted with a major life-altering choice you really DO split
into two different parallel virtual realities. Both virtual realities will
then go on to experience what the consequences of the major choice you had
made from then on. What's different about this particular brand of
philosophy is that they claim not only do splits occur, merges happen
equally as often. I suspect certain kinds of psychic merges are experienced
as a distinct moment of disorientation as your psyche tries to sort out a
collection of confusing past memories. A dominant timeline needs to be
reconstructed out of the merging of two or more separate realities. Perhaps
a more benign "merge" is experienced as that weird feeling of deja vue. In
other words this particular philosophy perceives our individual experiences
of Virtual Reality as a form of an intricate braded rope where multiple
splits and merges are constantly intertwining with each other. When we
finally die, (when our psyches begin the recycling process) all of the
probable realities eventually merge back into one major core psyche for one
great big uber-massive life-review. So, you really do get to find out if
marrying Maggie versus Bernadette turned out to have been the better
choice... or not. ;-)



Steven Vincent Johnson






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