Klein tunneling: Coupled particles cross energy wall


"The authors relied on an analytical and numerical study of a landmark model
of interacting particles, called the Hubbard model. It is typically used to
describe particle pairs in condensed matter such as in semi-conductors and
in so-called matter wave physics, used for instance to describe microscopic
particles oscillating between their material and wave-like characteristics.
Longhi and Della Valle predict a new type of Klein tunnelling for a couple
of interacting particles confronted by an energy barrier. Even though the
barrier is impenetrable for single particles, it becomes transparent when
the two particles cross the energy barrier together."


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"The vibrations alone are not adequate, but combined with other classical
techniques in physical organic chemistry, we are able to predict how
reactions can occur," says chemistry professor Matt Sigman, senior author of
the study in the Thursday, March 13, issue of the journal Nature.



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