Nikita Alexandrov. Looks to be 27 and president of permanetixcorp. Has a scheme 
for mass screening of sputtered potential LENR materials. His company has a 
device that can be placed inside a reaction vessel to capture in real time soft 
ionizing radiation. Take home: exactly the kind of young dude that LENR needs 

Steve High

On Mar 22, 2014, at 1:05 PM, Steve High <> wrote:

> The event is well attended. I would estimate 150 heads about 90 % grey. Ruby 
> Carat and Alien Scientist are here recording the proceedings. Curiously 
> Hadjichristos was on the agenda but his name has been stricken, leaving a 
> void as far as the "kilowatt output" performers are concerned. Celani had two 
> interesting things to say. He's finding evidence that the fiberglass 
> insulators he's wrapping around his constantan wires seem to tremendously 
> augment the anomalous heat output based on the observation that glass seems 
> to be able to sequester hydrogen on its surface in a way that makes it more 
> available to the constantan. He also mentioned that his Boss completely 
> terminated funding for his CF research last fall but that an angel jumped in 
> and he's back in the saddle at least for now
> Steve High

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