Attention water-heads ("Mizuno" literally means 'From Water')


Here is another weird and wonderful implication of the recent Mizuno paper
which would explain how two deuterons react in such a way as to provide more
energy than chemical but with few gamma rays and few neutrons - and with
lots of hydrogen as the ash. 


Imagine that: hydrogen is the ash ! To explain this we must think outside
the box, which is the same as inside the cavity.


This could be called a QM "bi-stripping" reaction. It can only happen with
two deuterons, and probably with the added requirement of nanocavity
confinement. Heisenberg is involved.


When a neutron decays to a proton, about 1.3 MeV would be released. But the
extended half-life of free neutrons means this energy is not normally
available instantaneously. This is where QM enters the picture.


The mass of the deuteron is 1875.613 MeV. The mass of a free neutron plus a
free proton is 1877.8374 - thus about 2.2 MeV would be required (to be
supplied via kinetic energy) in order to split the deuteron - without QM
being involved. The net deficit of this reaction is thus ~900 keV.


This is why no one ever imagined Oppenheimer Philips as being relevant
before now. It looks endothermic, without Heisenberg. However, one can
surmise that with time alteration or compression - if two deuterons approach
each other so that both undergo the OP splitting reaction instantaneously as
a result of the single impact, then it is possible that the same 2.2 MeV of
kinetic energy results in a net energy release of 2.6 MeV (from two neutron
decays) but the two neutrons have decayed to protons instantly, instead of
with an extended half-life. This could indeed be an expected result of
Heisenberg uncertainty and other QM principles. 


Thus the net reaction gain is 400 keV. The big stretch of the imagination is
that the same kinetic energy can split both atoms at the same time using
what can only be called a quantum time alteration and borrowed energy from
the net reaction. Admittedly, this is a stretch, but isn't everything in QM?


Adding QM into the mix, we can surmise that most of the 2.2 kinetic energy
deficit is supplied from the net energy of the two neutron decay reactions,
not a single decay - and also that the normal half life of neutrons is
greatly compressed to supply this net energy of 2.6 MeV (2 x 1.3 MeV) as
part of the borrowed input. 


Only then is the net reaction gainful and the beauty of it is that 4
resultant protons carry off the 400 keV net gain - with approximately 100
keV in kinetic energy each, which is at a level which is low enough and
consistent with low or no gamma. and bremsstrahlung would not be high energy
either. That there would appear to be few gamma rays (occasional) is a
given. However, the ash of the reaction is that there would appear to be a
lot of hydrogen which replaces the deuterium - which was there at the start.


If you don't buy this explanation (that kinetic energy can be shared in such
a way that two approaching deuterons are stripped at exactly the same time,
and instantly decay) then there are alternatives. They will come up in a
later post. In fact, to place this in context - there could be many gainful
reactions happening at the same time.


This bi-stripping hypothesis is all of a few minutes old, so it needs to be
vetted. but hey, in QM terms - a few minutes is a virtual eternity :-)


The free neutron mass is slightly larger than that of a proton. The lifetime
is about 15 minutes. 939.565378 MeV compared to 938.272046 MeV would be the
standard values.


This is why the Oppenheimer Philips (stripping) reaction could be extremely
important to LENR and it has been almost neglected in the past.


It should be noted that in the parallel thread on vortex today (Magnetic
permeability and LENR) that energy depletion of the deuteron, in the nickel
cavity due to spin coupling, could lower the binding energy so that the OP
effect happens at a much lower threshold than usual.


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