As noted in a previous article, Jed Rothwell entered into an essay contest
for the Foundational Questions Institute (FQXi). I submitted my own Cold
Fusion related essay, and didn't hear anything back from FQXi. Then Peter
Gluck had his essay published, so I asked FQXi why mine was not published
or declined.

They say it is because of an objection being raised to the "commercial"
content in it--specifically the promotion of techshop.

Perhaps there is some other educational institution I could propose as a
baseline minimum that would give people access to machine shop tools
relatively quickly?


Kevin O


Jed Rothwell's Essay:

Peter Gluck's Essay


"How Should Humanity Steer the Future?
With The LENR Techshop Y Prize Incentive Proposal

My proposal is to set up a prize similar to the X Prize to reward and
encourage Techshop ( teams who replicate the recent
Cold Fusion experiment at the Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project wherein
Gamma Rays were detected after an excess heat event. Let's call it the Y
Prize. The Gamma Ray finding was replicated by Hans Biberian within 48
hours. Measuring Gamma Rays would be the smoking gun to prove that it is a
nuclear process taking place within these cold fusion experiments.
MFMP Report Detection of Unusual Gamma Rays [Updated: Biberian Replicates]


What is the Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project (MFMP)?
In essence, they are a grassroots, open-source scientific group trying to
replicate Low Energy Nuclear Reactions (LENR). It is named after Martin
Fleischmann because he was one of the 2 original electrochemists who found
this anomalous heat effect in 1989, and he passed away recently. His
partner, Dr. Pons, is still alive and could therefore still win a Nobel
If one simply follows their latest recipe, a LENR device can be built and
tested by anyone who has the means. They are currently using a wire that
Dr. Celani, a prominent LENR researcher, gave to them in furtherance of
their effort. They also plan to test a NANOR device which Dr. Hagelstein at
Massachussetts Institute of Technology helped to develop.


Why Techshop?
They are the right people to encourage for a grass roots energy effort; and
the interest in a Y Prize would help that worthy organization grow; if they
can do it, almost anyone can do it and the generated excitement would turn
the world upside down. Bootstrapping Techshop would help many other people
who would like to do some kind of experiment on physics or simply to be

>From their website,
TechShop is a vibrant, creative community that provides access to tools,
software and space. You can make virtually anything at TechShop. Come and
build your dreams!
TechShop is a playground for creativity. Part fabrication and prototyping
studio, part hackerspace and part learning center, TechShop provides access
to over $1 million worth of professional equipment and software. We offer
comprehensive instruction and expert staff to ensure you have a safe,
meaningful and rewarding experience. Most importantly, at TechShop you can
explore the world of making in a collaborative and creative environment.

It is not known whether Techshop really has the equipment and resources to
support this kind of an effort. However, the excitement generated towards
such a replication effort would encourage Techshops around the country to
acquire such equipment, working with National Instruments and others. For
instance, Burt Rutan did not have the equipment to build devices that could
go into space. But the Ansari X Prize spurred on his creative juices,
bootstrapping his effort and focusing his vision. I been a fan of his since
high school, when he independently came out with the VariEZ canard

If an Italian High School Teacher (Hugo Abundo) could build a LENR device,
then TechShop could. And I think National Instruments (NI) would help. NI
has supported cold fusion research for years, offering LabView software
free to all researchers in the field. Perhaps they are eager to sell their
measurement devices into this market space the way Levi wanted to sell
Jeans to miners in California in 1849 and Apple wanted to get kids hooked
on computers at school. But it does not matter - they are eager to help.

What would success look like?
An Open Source LENR device generates more heat than can be accounted for by
chemical means.  My suggestion is to set a threshold that the heat
generated should have an energy density at least 10X that of any known
chemical source for at least one hour so that measurement error is not a
factor.  An additional test would be the presence of Gamma Rays well above
Measurements would be done by a team of Y Prize's choosing.   The team
should include at least one person trained to look for deception;
basically, a magician.  In reality all they would be measuring is Voltage,
Current (for Input power) and Heat (for Output Power) plus using a Geiger
counter for Gamma rays. Precision isn't all that necessary, when you think
of it.  It doesn't matter if the energy density exceeds 10X that of
gasoline that you can measure it to 13.25X.
I would suggest that there should be multiple replications for this prize
to be claimed.  Perhaps 3 separate Techshop teams need to have their
projects tested independently and the 3 teams would share the prize.


Where would the money come from?

If I won this essay contest, I would expend my passion pursuing money for
this prize.

Recently, there was $5Million donated to University of Missouri for LENR
research by billionaire Sidney Kimmel. Perhaps he would be generous with
another $1Million for this effort.

Australian Entrepreneur Dick Smith recently offered over $1Million for a
convincing demo. He seemed focused on generating 1.5MW as the threshold to
be met. Perhaps he can be persuaded to focus on an open-source science
effort rather than using his money to sniff out a shyster.

Crowdsourcing.  There is a pent up interest in this technology.  Here is an
example: Dennis Cravens used crowdfunding to finance a LENR powered car.

Scientific Instruments.  This multi$billion company offered to give free
measuring hardware and software to anyone working in LENR.   They may enjoy
getting some publicity in exchange for a donation.

In conclusion, I hope that you will see that the time has come to give this
technology the nudge it deserves.

Eventually when the critical mass of believability is attained (like what
happened with the Wright brothers), the world experiences a precipitating
realization.  That is what the Y Prize can do to effect billions of lives
over the next few short years for relatively small investment of effort.

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