"Positronium: Old Dog, New Tricks" by David B. Cassidy is the title of a
paper that provides additional background for an exotic interpretation of an
important new experiment, but stops short of the newest trick for this old


The latest trick for positronium would be as the mechanism for gain in the
Mizuno experiment, as demonstrated at MIT where deuterium is seen to fission
into two atoms of hydrogen with low radiation and no helium. That basic
reaction, without more (as suggested in recent posts) would be
endothermic... at least without an causative contribution from "somewhere
else." A good candidate for this contribution can be called virtual
positronium: aka the epo field, Ps BEC, quantum foam, even ZPE.

There is an ongoing argument that ZPE is inherently bound into a cross
identity with virtual positronium and the background Bose condensate which
Don Hotson calls a BEC of positronium.
Positronium could possibly enter the deuterium fission picture due to
conservation of charge in an inverse beta reaction that converts D2 gas into
double stripping reaction into four protons with a net gain in range of
~100-200 keV. Historically, Beta particles are either electrons or positrons
(antielectrons) and are generally emitted instead of absorbed. However EC
(Electron Capture) is the primary decay mode for isotopes with a relative
superabundance of protons; and yet a corresponding reaction that absorbs an
antielectron, as opposed to emitting one, is previously unknown. 
Therefore, this explanation will seem unlikely, in the minds of conventional
physics - but to the extent that Mizuno can be best explained if it existed
- we should not be blind to the fact that it fits the reported circumstances
and data quite well. Consider that every positronium capture would transfer
a mass energy of about 1.024 MeV into 3-space from the vacuum, which energy
is consistent with experimental results - no other suggested nuclear
reaction is even close. Moreover, this hypothesis is completely falsifiable.

Falsifiability should give us a better answer in the short term. In the mean
time, as background for the hypothesis - there is the Hotson interpretation
of Dirac which has been mentioned many times here. Dirac's "sea" is
explained by Hotson as the extra-dimensional BEC field which contains only
positronium. It can be called the "Ps BEC" the epo field or ZPE. There is
bleed over from this dimension ("reciprocal space" is what Dirac called it)
into 3-space: Wheeler's quantum foam.

As for application to Mizuno - this background field of quantum foam will
bleed over into 3-space via positive charge deficits in situations local
conditions create an enhanced charge deficit. One such local condition would
be where deuterons are loaded into metals with neutron rich isotopes (Ni-64
is at the top of the list).

Of more than passing concern: Why would such a basic decay nuclear reaction,
which can be called PsC (or positron capture) have been completely
overlooked in physics prior to this experiment? 

Hmmm ... That really goes back to a basic mindset where one can think of
present day physics admirably - as either highly advanced in 2014, or else
with a dose of disdain - a state of relative darkness. In 50 years, will the
mainstream will look back at today and laugh at the high level of pompous
ignorance? Absolutely - if LENR is real.

In interpreting Mizuno's results, we are very likely being held back by what
is in effect an old dog, one that needs to be taught a few new tricks.


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