Ian Walker <walker...@gmail.com> wrote:

> People seem to have missed the fact the patent office have said Rossi's 
> patent will succeed without reservation if he shows a working product, this 
> means Rossi's product goes live within six months from the date the patent 
> was put in abeyance.

> In order for Rossi's patent to succeed all Rossi has to do is show the 
> working plant being used. If that is done within the 6 month period the 
> patent automatically succeeds. Rossi's patent lawyers know this. . . .
That is not true. The patent is invalid now and will remain invalid,
because it does not teach how to replicate. A patent is automatically
invalid if it cannot be used by a person having ordinary skill in the art
(PHOSITA) to replicate.

> And the patent office stated it.
Not as far as I know, it didn't. Rossi might demonstrate a cold fusion
powered moon rocket tomorrow but that will have no bearing on his patent. A
patent MUST reveal the technical secret, or it is invalid.

Maybe Rossi has another, valid patent in the works. This one is a failure.
David French said so, and he is an expert. Heck, even I could see it does
not show to replicate, and I know little about patents.

- Jed

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