<torulf.gr...@bredband.net> wrote:

> How about "wrong kinds of instruments" . . .
Exactly right.

> , how much of Rosis results are made with this error?
Who knows? I cannot judge. He often uses the wrong instruments, or he does
not prepare the instruments correctly. For example, as Lewan described,
Rossi has a good quality handheld temperature sensor which can hold up to
four thermocouples, and which can record the data on an SD card. But he
used only two of the thermocouple connections and he did not insert an SD
card. So, he had a meter with a good combination of features that could
have made a recording of the data, but he did not use it. Lewan had to
manually write down the values.

(Soon after that test, I pointed out this situation here at this forum. I
was upset!)

This is why I do not trust Rossi's evaluations of his own work. I only
trust independent verification. Fortunately, there have been some good
independent verification test, by Ampenergo, Elforsk, and others.

I think Rossi sometimes does the tests correctly. I have heard that from
people who visited him. But even in these cases he does not describe the
experiment or the instruments in enough detail, so we do not know whether
he did it right or not.

- Jed

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