
It looks like the magnetic field drives the quark in the same direction as
its spin. This makes sense because two magnets will attract or repel each
other along a line axial to the magnet pair.

On Sat, Apr 26, 2014 at 2:48 AM, Axil Axil <> wrote:

> search for slides starting at
> The Chiral Magnetic Effect (CME)
> An electric super current is induced in the quarks because the direction
> of their momentums are changed by the magnetic field line.
> In the slide titled: The CME in heavy-ion collisions (II)
> Note that the Up quarks are flowing in a current in the opposite direction
> from the Down quarks because the momentum vectors are flipped by the
> magnetic field line. These various quark types are separated and moving in
> a group,
> This effect is shown with regards to quark plasma, but CME must be the
> same in stable subatomic particles in LENR because The Chiral Magnetic
> Effect (CME) acts on quarks in the same way as a universally applicable
>  electrical process(without exception).

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