Things are a mess! No power at office yesterday morning, and the telephone
equipment was hit by lightning and is not functional. Many traffic lights
are off, so commuting is slow.


As I have said, this illustrates the vulnerability of today's energy
systems. Both electricity and gasoline depend on infrastructures that are
easily disrupted. Natural gas is the least vulnerable because the
infrastructure is underground.

Disruptions can come from second or third order events, such as at the
Fukushima reactor, where an earthquake caused a tsunami that destroyed the
backup generator fuel supplies. Years ago I read about nuke in California
that was shut down because a storm along the coastline stirred up the
ocean, which broke off kelp, which clogged the cooling water inlet.

I hope that cold fusion and other future technology can make power,
telecom, and even transportation infrastructure less vulnerable to
disruption. I hope that indoor agriculture and in vitro meat production
will make food and water supplies with no link to natural conditions or
weather. Colonization of the moon or Mars would help that about, as Arthur
Clarke pointed out long ago.

- Jed

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