From: Eric Walker 

H Veeder wrote:


Proessor Roger Bowley unlocks his car from various distances, using waves from 
his key, brain and a big bottle of water.




Professor Bowley: "The only way to find [about something] out is to do the 
dammed experiment.  Disprove your prejudices."


Nice, but it’s not the whole story. What is even more fascinating is that which 
is overlooked - in the context of RF which is near the brain (and into the GHz 
range) – with those waves being able to scramble the H20 of the human brain in 
order to amplify the wave, exactly as shown here. 


Doh! It’s the cell phone, professor. And it’s all about the resonance of RF 
inside of cavities of the proper dimensions. This type of cavity resonance may 
make the subject relevant to LENR.


One can disprove prejudices and at the same time be in complete denial about 
the dangers of a beloved addiction. That is another type of (reverse) 
prejudice. Or one can quote from a study funded by the cell-phone industry, 
since many of them are, which say the cancer link is unproven. This is 
reminiscent of smoking studies which for years could not agree, until the 
studies’ funded by tobacco companies (often indirectly) were discredited.


The signal from a cell phone is many times more intense, the frequency is 
higher so the photons are more dangerous, and the wavelength is perfect for 
reaching resonance inside the brain cavity of a human … yet dozens of studies 
are in conflict over the issue of cancer causation. Follow the buck … or better 
yet … do the experiment.


The World Health Organization declared cellphone radiation as carcinogenic in 
May 2011. It was the experimental evidence that was important to them. As 
Professor Bowley sez: "The only way to find out is to do the dammed 
experiment!”  Lab studies were done on neural cells at WHO which showed the 
rapid rate at which double strand DNA breaks upon exposure to RF at levels 
regularly experienced by cell phone uses. Few deny that broken DNA leads to 
cancer … eventually. It is simply a matter of time.


Nevertheless in the USA, a “capitalist’s tool” (or fool) at Forbes ignores the 
most damning studies in favor of the ones showing little correlation, even when 
common sense suggests otherwise… and the argument drags on. Billions are at 
stake. Why do you think most cell phones come with a warning (ignored by all) 
not to hold the phone closer than one inch to the ear? Simple, the lawyers put 
that warning into the implied contract so that they can later use it against 
the plaintiff when the case comes to court in 20 years, over brain cancer… 
kinda like the health warning on cigarettes. There are still many MDs who will 
state, under oath, that smoking does not cause lung cancer.


Here’s the really sad thing. There is a valid solution: Bluetooth (or a wired 
equivalent). This kind of thing should be mandated, especially for teenagers - 
so as to limit the radiation intensity - but it is not. It reduces radiation by 
800 times ! Why isn’t this mandated?


Yes, it is a self-serving story in a way. Nevertheless, with any solution 
someone new will benefit and someone else will lose. Even if radiation 
reduction is only 100 times less, instead of 800, this makes perfect sense. “Do 
the dammed experiment!”  



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