Susanna Gipp <> wrote:

> did anybody have  the chance to read this?
> kinda unbelievable how was cheap the trick they used to fool Gamberale

This trick is so cheap, and so transparent, I doubt it was a trick. My gut
feeling is that it was a stupid mistake. It would be mind boggling if a
"trick" like that would work on an engineer or scientist. I have heard that
the people from NI took one look at the shoddy setup and told Defkalion
they were no longer invited to NI Week.

I do not know how long it took Gamberale to discover this problem, but . . .

While I do not mean to boast here, it would take me 10 minutes to discover
the flow rate is wrong by a margin as large as this. The first thing I do
when checking flow calorimetry is measure the inlet and outlet temperatures
with a hand-held thermocouple, and then I measure the flow rate with a stop
watch and a graduated cylinder. (Or a carafe and a weight scale.) This is
not rocket science! It is easy.

I have done this several times at various labs. As I recall, I found large
errors during Patterson's demo, during one of Gene's experiments, at
Hydrodynamics, and at two other places I do not recall. That is why I do
not trust flow meters. The darn things get clogged up, or they run
backwards, as Gamberale described. They are the Achilles' heal of flow
calorimetry. You can't trust them until you verify them. You need to keep
checking them throughout the experiment. I recall the user manual for one
of them specifically said you should test the instrument by collecting
water in graduated cylinder. It is just common sense.

As I said, when you measure the flow rate manually, the answer is
approximate. If the flow meter says 1.16 L/min, and you get somewhere
between 0.9 and 1.2 L, you are good to go. You know the thing is working
right. Actually, though, with a little practice and several tries, you can
get closer than that. You need to do this several times during the course
of a test to be sure the flow rate is not fluctuating significantly.

Try this at home! You do not even need a flow meter. Turn on the tap and
measure the flow of water several times. You will see that the variation is
small. Flush the toilet and see if you can measure the difference from the
drop in water pressure.

When the output is steam, you use a bucket of cold water to sparge the
steam. Then you measure the increase in weight and temperature. It amounts
to the same thing as measuring a flow of liquid water with a graduated

If I had been at Defkalion's test and they said "no, you are not allowed to
measure the flow rate" I would have told them: "Then I must assume you
people are frauds, and I will take the next plane home and tell everyone
that." That is more or less what I told Patterson when he refused to let me
make my own measurements. He thought about it and changed his mind.

Rossi told me I would not be allowed to make measurements so I did not go.
I suppose Defkalion uninvited me three times after they realized I meant to
actually measure things.

I could not make manual measurements of high precision equipment such as
SRI's. You can't monkey with that. Fortunately, people like McKubre, Storms
and Miles are professionals who use redundant instruments and they check
everything to a fare-thee-well. This is described in their papers. Still,
if I were to visit them I would check the flow rate if I could. You cannot
as easily check the performance of a Seebeck calorimeter. The blue
Thermonetics Seebeck calorimeter in Ed's lab belongs to me, so I guess I
should believe it.

- Jed

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