

A Fellow Friend of Fringe Facts sent me to gander at this:



And here is what caught my attention that might apply to LENR/CF:



Internal conversion


Metastable isomers may also decay by internal conversion - 

  ***a process in which the energy of nuclear de-excitation is NOT emitted
as a gamma ray***, 

but instead used to accelerate one of the inner electrons of the atom, so
that it leaves at high speed and energy. This result occurs because inner
atomic electrons penetrate the nucleus, where they are subject to the
intense electric fields which result when the protons of the nucleus
re-arrange in a different way. In nuclei which are far from stability in
energy, still other decay modes are known.



An added bonus was this statement which supports my model for electrons as
dipole-like oscillations which either skirt, and/or pass thru the nucleus.

".because inner atomic electrons penetrate the nucleus"


I guess it's going to take a 2x4 to the head to get the science mainstream's
attention. or, to interrupt their mesmerized state brought on by
indoctrination to the current paradigm.


-mark iverson


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