Terry Blanton <hohlr...@gmail.com> wrote:

I once encountered Whitney
> Houston there. She was high as a kite and a real jerk.
> With a sad ending.

She was making a commotion, laughing and pounding the floor. I had no idea
who she was. I glared at her and said to pilot at the next table, "what a
jerk!" He said, "uh . . . that's Whitney Houston." Oh.


The ambience of which I speak is a WWII officer's club. That's what it is.
The bar, anyway.

> I do sometimes visit the 2nd iteration of the 57th Fighter Squadron on
> the other side of the airport.

Now, *that's* ambience! The food is awful, but the ambiance galore.

> I'll have to sneak in and pay you a
> surprise visit next time I'm there now that someone has shown me how
> to bypass the increased security at the airport office complex.

Well, you just reach through and . . . oh wait, if I tell you that we may
both end up in Guantanamo Bay

(Inside joke)

- Jed

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