Alain Sepeda <> wrote:

> The second is however that if it was a mistake, or even a temporary
> failure during a demo, and even if the demo was indeed tweaked as Luca
> describe, Defkalion had 9 month, in private or in public, to reassure Luca
> himself, and why not us.

I agree. They should have given Gamberale  the reports from the 12
scientists (assuming those reports exist).

When this first happened, I heard there was a problem with flow rate a few
days later. I assumed it was a glitch on the day of ICCF18. I figured they
would fix it and try again. I posted messages here saying, "they should
practice, and then do another public demo." I never imagined they had never
done it right! I stopped paying attention and I did not learn that until
the Gamberale report came out.

> In the case, the case I judge as sign of "huge lack of wisdom", that
> despite not answering to luca, Defkalion anyway have a working reactor in
> it's lab, it should let Luca test it (even if only calorimetry is allowed,
> only but all calorimetry method), or if they don't trust him, let a third
> party make a boiler test and inform Luca.


> however something irrational, desperate, paranoid, have happened...
> whether it was wishful thinking, self-delusion, conspiracy theories, it is
> no more our business.

If they make claims in public it is our business to some extent.

>  A boiler test made by a non physicist team (why not electricians and
> plumbers, experience in testing), would give a solid answer and no risk of
> IP leak.


> By the way I feel it is absurd to ask physicist to do calorimetry ... it
> is a job of plumbers, electricians, their engineer counter parts,
> petrochemist, boiler testers,   or at worst of industry chemist.

Yes again, as I pointed out when I referenced Title 10, Part 430.

- Jed

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