From: Danny Ross Lunsford 
                ... Witten at least is a superb mathematician and does
understand physics (e.g. critical phenomena) although he is no good at
making it, because he has absolutely no physical intuition. He started life
as an economist....
Good point. But this dichotomy seems to happen on both sides of aisle. If
you think about the problem of BLP and Randell Mills ... in taking an
expansive theory, which could be partially correct, and then running good
experiments which hint at the predicted gain - BUT -- then being totally
incapable of moving forward from the gainful experiment towards a useful
device, you see almost the same problem: NO PHYSICAL INTUITION. 

Mills latest fiasco with the seam welder is emblematic of this failure. It
is a laughable attempt which has been exacerbated by Mills own dishonesty
over the years. What was once "oversight" in Mills constantly moving away
from inflated promises without explanation, now looks like a character flaw.
Many former supporters hope his this "lack of physical intuition" explains
the situation- otherwise the entire operation looks an elaborate scam. Does
anyone doubt that at least $10 million in wealth went from investors,
directly to RM over the years - with almost nothing to show for it? Follow
the buck.

Too bad for Tom Stolper (and others, present company included) who looked at
the Mills saga in the early 90's and were convinced for a time that there
really was something there. Mills may well be judged by history to have been
closer to Isaac Asimov than to Isaac Newton.


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