I live in the MidWest. Madison, Wisconsin, to be exact - the seat of state 
government. One would assume Wisconsin would be experiencing an equivalent wind 
farm boom as well. Unfortunately, we are lagging behind our neighboring states. 
Why? Google:


            "scott walker wind farms"


The vast majority of initial links Google returns are of a negative nature, for 


"Why Scott Walker killed wind energy jobs in Wisconsin"

"Walker bill puts $500 million in wind turbine investment at risk"

"Walker bill tightens wind farm rules"

"Governer Scott Walker Wants to Pass a Bill to Kill Wind ..."

"Reform bill poses threat to wind farms in state : Wsj"


Why is the Walker administration putting the stopper in wind farms?


"Wisconsin Realtors prompted Walker's wind restrictions ..."







One of Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker’s first actions in office was to declare the 
state “Open for Business,” vowing to lure industry and create a quarter-million 


But legislation Walker proposed as part of this initiative could strangle a 
growing state industry – wind power – with a stringent siting rule likely to 
make major future development nearly impossible.


Why would a pro-business governor support a plan that wind experts say would 
likely shoot down 11 proposed projects representing a $1.8 billion investment?


Wind developers and advocates say it is because of the influence of the state’s 
powerful real estate industry, whose leaders say wind turbines significantly 
decrease property values and prevent agricultural and open land from being 
transformed into residential developments.


[Why? The article goes on to say:]


"Realtors made more than 300 donations totaling over $100,000 to Walker’s 
campaign, though they also donated generously to his Democratic opponent."




IOW, Realtors were playing both sides of the fence to get what they wanted.


Fortunately not all of the Google links are completely negative:


One Link stood out:

"Wind energy industry gets unexpected boost in Wisconsin"








It appears the door isn’t being blown shut on the wind energy industry here in 
Wisconsin after all.


Wind energy advocates have argued that millions of dollars worth of economic 
development and hundreds of potential jobs have been put on hold since Gov. 
Scott Walker introduced a bill in January 2011 that dramatically increased how 
far wind turbines must be set back from the nearest property lines and 


But it appears Republicans in the state Senate don’t have the votes to force 
state regulators to develop new siting rules for wind farms.




The irony here is that it wasn't because the conservative Republican dominated 
house and senate branches thought maybe it might make good business sense and 
job creation to get some wind farms built, but because they didn't have the 
votes to kill wind farm construction. As such, building wind farms in our state 
has not been a complete and total wash out. I noticed a project under 
construction only a couple of miles north/west of Madison. I also wouldn't mind 
seeing a tower built in the front lawn of the Governor's mansion either. I'd 
vote for that!



Steven Vincent Johnson



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