Jones made mention of phos as a  possible Rossi catalyzer like matchsticks but 
with the need to eliminate any oxidative /combustion path, Science daily makes 
ref to new gecko like climbing gloves that work via Hall effect and then we 
have pyrophoric property of metal dust.. I have to think Puthoffs talk of 
vacuum engineering has arrived and that chemistry will be extended to include 
Hall effects engineered via geometry and material properties beyond just 
chemical. I have been thinking a lot about my relativistic posit for Casimir 
effect and if correct what advantage would this give a theorist who previously 
only had things like the Twin Paradox or the Haisch Rueda analogy of a speeding 
car in a rainstorm to model the ether,  I previously assumed the “windshield” 
would encounter more “raindrops” as it approaches high speed and “pressure” 
would go up BUT we know time slows from our perspective and intuitively one 
would think fewer raindrops or [virtual particles] would be needed to slow 
time. I think I may have tripped on the 4d aspect and the spaceship approaching 
C is travelling in parallel with virtual particles such that at C no more vp go 
thru the spaceship – they are both at the same velocity [from local perspective 
of ship] and direction – the ship is not moving in a spatial dimension at all – 
the vector is 100 % on temporal axis from our stationary observation and 
therefore contracts smaller and smaller.  In the case of relativistic regions 
of space caused by geometry suppression [if relativistic theory is correct]  
the Casimir boundaries cause larger virtual particles to turn on this same 
temporal axis – such that they still fit between the boundaries but appear 
smaller [fractional]. My posit is that Casimir effect is redirecting the 
etheric vector in the cavity like Chicago cityscape redirects and concentrates 
wind so rather than a spatial vector achieving a Pythagorean fraction of C in 
case of a spaceship you can have stationary geometry that slows and redirects 
this normally perpendicular etheric axis inside the cavity between the 
boundaries. Hydrogen atoms that migrate into these cavities do not have to be 
accelerated by added energy – they bend with the flow of these virtual 
particles… I believe this Dr Who TARTUS effect where the space between the 
plates appears larger inside the cavity than outside is why time is 
accelerated/catalyized in a skeletal cat or nano powder because many more vp 
can pass thru the cavity and so many more hydrogen atoms can fit inside the 
cavity [even though they look fractional to us they appear normal locally to 
each other] time accelerates with more vp passing thru the cavity and IMHO 
catalytic action may be closer to time dilation than anyone has yet dared 

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