My only problem with the ECE theory so far is that I do not understand

 Dr. Myron Evans <>
Thoughts on Science, History, Poetry and Politics
  « Seventeenth Quarterly Archive of
263(2): Calculation of Light Deflection due to Gravitation
 Principles of ECE Theory

This is M .W. Evans, H. Eckardt, D. W. Lindstrom and S. J. Crothers,
“Principles of ECE Theory” (Open source publications section,
in prep.). The manuscript containing my contribution only to date has been
archived at the British Library from the National Library of Wales, and has
started its run as I am in the habit of writing, i.e. it is beginning to be
read worldwide as I can see from feedback. Currently it is being typeset
and the other authors are preparing their contributions, then it will be
published in book and ipod formats just for some friends and colleagues,
and some copyright and local libraries, because the tremendous power of
open source publishing off means that books will not be sold in
large numbers. However for those who like books, they are available. For
example my autobiography volume one (see home page of for all
details of how to purchase the books). Open source is free of charge, so
obviously only a few liberophiles will buy the book. A liberophile is not a
rare and nasty kind of amoeba, it is a mixture of Latin and Geek for
someone who likes books rather than computers. A computer can sometimes
drive a saint into Dante’s inferno. “Beginning its run” comes from the four
man bobsleigh at the winter olympics. The feedback shows exactly how every
single item is being received internationally, and the feedback has been
overwhelmingly positive since inception of ECE in March 2003. That is why
AIAS has its own intellectual authority. That is a healthy thing for
physics in my own opinion. There have been some exceedingly polite and mild
differences of opinion with some dogmatists who shall be nameless.
Similarly, Turner’s work was called soot and whitewash, Balzac caused a
riot, Stravinsky caused another riot, and so it goes on, human nature as
usual. I think we are now entering the phase: “ECE is obvious, I knew it
all along”. In any case ECE is completely unstoppable as per Victor Hugo,
“one cannot stop the march of ideas”.

False Dawns <> June
4, 2014

“I waited a quarter century before accepting that LENR is reproducible and
repeatable, and in the new book “Principles of ECE Theory” (publications
section of a chapter is devoted to Alex Hill’s energy devices
and to LENR. “

*We can remember when a certain Stanley Meyer was in the ascendant: he was
‘inserted’ into a BBC documentary on cold fusion, his car-that-runs-on
water was verified by three professors (including a Professor M.A.Laughton
of London) and he was invited to present his invention to a
special-interest group at the House of Lords (probably at the insistence of
an energy-from-water crank who also happened to be a former comptroller
[sic] of the British Navy). Unfortunately, Meyer never made it to the
Lords, because he was indicted for fraud. And then he dropped dead; lying
must be so stressful.  Sic transit fraudatio mundi.  We wonder how Hill
feels about Rossi: how many perpetual-motion machines does the world need?
Ron should check his loyalties: Hill is hand-in-glove with Ron, but Rossi
seems to have nothing good to say about Ron. *

Recent Conceptual Advance in Orbit Theory
14, 2014

This is the realization that the angular velocity is the spin connection of
Cartan, a spin connection that describes the rotating axes of the plane
polar coordinate system, a geometry to which Cartan geometry reduces in
well defined limits. So the Cartan spin connection is responsible for the
orbital velocity, the centrifugal and Coriolis forces and so on. The spin
connection is responsible for the planar orbit itself. The precession of
orbits and light deflection due to gravitation are due to ECE theory and
not to Einstein theory. The Einstein Cartan Evans (ECE) theory is intended
to be an improvement over the original Einstein theory, and it succeeds
precisely. The accuracy of ECE theory is one part in ten power seventeen
because ECE gives the equivalence of gravitational and inertial mass from
anti symmetry. This is inter alia experimental proof of the antisymmetry of
the connection and the existence of torsion. ECE also describes the Coats
hyperbolic spiral orbit of stars in a whirlpool galaxy in the r to infinity
limit, and also the constancy of the orbital linear velocity in this limit.
Einstein fails completely to do so, and predicts that the velocity falls to
zero at infinite r. Obviously ECE is preferred to Einstein on the basis of
experimental data, the Baconian measuring stick. ECE describes the totality
of data, solar system, all systems that show precession, and also the main
features of a whirlpool galaxy, without the use of any empiricism
extraneous to the ECE hypotheses (e.g. dark matter).

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 Summary of Advances in the Past Two Weeks
14, 2014

If the experimental data can be believed, the astronomically observed
precession per radian of all planar orbits is r0 / alpha, where r0 = 3MG /
c squared and alpha the half right latitude. It has been found that these
data are given precisely by R theory

R = r + r0 = alpha / ( 1 + eps cos theta)

which is equivalent to x theory:

r = alpha / ( 1 + eps cos (x theta))


x = 1 + r0 / alpha

The latter two equations can be transformed into the habitually miscalled
Schwarzschild metric, which in ECE theory is an infinitesimal line element
that gives a turning point:

r = alpha – r0.

The same turning point is obtained from R theory. The R and x theories give
the experimental data in a far simpler way than the Schwarzschild metric,
so are preferred by Ockham’s Razor, and because they do not use incorrect
geometry. The experimental problem is that the precession of planets is
dominated by the gravitational effect of other planets. The anomaly
habitually attributed to r0 / alpha is claimed in the standard physics to
be due to Einstein, while the great majority of the precession is
calculated using Newton. This is self inconsistent (UFT240 and Myles Mathis

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 Integrating Eq. (32) Numerically
14, 2014

Would it be possible for Horst to make some more high accuracy integrations
of Eq. (32) with finite photon mass, across a given range to see what
effect it has on the angle of deflection? This is a highly non trivial,
very difficult, numerical integration, because of singularities, and I have
no idea how Einstein got the result 4MG / (R0 c squared). No doubt I am
very thick, but I cannot see any sense in the Einstein method at all, using
M as a variable, whereas it is a constant. This is discussed in UFT150B and
its essays, “Nobody’s Perfect”, “Light Deflection due to Gravitation”, and
other essays and papers such as UFT155. The philosophy being adopted now is
to realize that the misnamed Schwarzschild metric is the result of the
elegant and much simpler R theory. The two theories give the same result
exactly for all planar orbital precessions. Then I assume that the
precession and light deflection must be due to the same theory. I most
certainly do not acccept the Einstein equation, I infer a wholly new R
theory from Cartan geometry, deduce its metric and show that it is
equivalent for precession to the old Schwarzschild metric (so called). I
think that the entire ECE School, after eleven years of study, can see all
this very clearly. If not I am always here to answer intelligent questions.
Strangely enough, the only people who cannot see it are the dogmatists.
Surely they have the mathematical training to see it well enough, but they
do a Nelson. Again this puts people off physics. The public knows that this
is not right, it is unethical, and ignores careful scholarship studied
worldwide for over a decade. Such conduct should not be publicly funded.


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 Dismissal of the Wikipedia Site on ECE Theory
14, 2014

The attached Book of Scientometrics shows that the misleading Wikipedia
site on ECE theory has been dismissed by the ECE School of Thought, which
is a large percentage of scientists and engineers worldwide. The Wiki site
is defamatory and based on crude personal animosity. This kind of stuff
evidently fools no one, and is actually illegal. It is a kind of trolling.
Since ECE is a unified field theory, acceptance of one paper means
acceptance of all. Never before in the history of science has a series of
262 papers been produced all on one theme of geometry. Those responsible
for the Wikipedia site have either been talked to by the police (Lakhtakia,
for sending crude e mail abuse anonymously) or have retired and degenerated
into vulgar, wildly pejorative, abuse (‘t Hooft and Rodrigues). This stuff
just turns people off, like any skin head. Although the Higgs boson has
been trumpeted ad nauseam to people who have no hope of understanding the
theory, Higgs himself does not like the propaganda, and the British
Government is making substantial cuts in particle physics funding, as is
the Italian Government. Austria recently tried to withdraw from CERN.
UFT225 completely destroys the SU(2) sector of the standard unified field
theory, as does B(3), nominated several times for a Nobel prize. CERN knows
all about UFT225, but does not admit anything. No wonder people don’t like
physics, with people like these allowed to crudely misrepresent
distinguished colleagues and new science without any effort made to control
them by their university administrations: grand theories being disproven
very easily and these refutations ignored with great cynicism. The attached
book is now famous in its own right, and shows a vast sea of interest in
ECE theory. Nothing more could possibly be asked of any theory. Yesterday,
to take one of many examples, the Pontifical Catholic University at Rio in
Brazil looked at the wikid garbage and dismissed it. They proceeded to
study the Civil List Pension, Royal Decree and my relation to the eleventh
century Norman Baron Bernard de Neufmarche. This is by marriage of the
Welsh Princes. Bernard was not good news for Wales, and could be a little
cutting on occasions. Eventually however he started to speak Welsh, and
that made him feel much better. He could at last understand those around
him. Those very few that arrive at via wiki tube stop take a
good look at the site and think that wiki has gone clean around the bend. A
good way of studying the centrifugal acceleration. I don’t read any of ‘t
Hooft’s garbage, I just feel sorry for him.


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 263(7): Metric for R Theory
<> June
14, 2014

This note gives the metric for the R theory and shows that it gives the
same turning point as the misnamed “Schwarzschild metric”. Therefore all
that is attributed to the Einstein theory in the standard physics can be
found in a much simpler way from the R metric of Eq (16) and R theory,
which is a theory based on the plane polar coordinates and a sub geometry
of Cartan geometry. This is an important advance because it shows that the
origin of the Schwarzschild metric is the R metric (16) and not the
incorrect Einstein equation. The R theory gives orbital precession
directly, and it can give light deflection due to gravitation by
transforming it into Eq. (32). In UFT150B this was integrated numerically
to avoid the obscurities introduced by Einstein. So the fundamental origin
of precession and light deflection due to gravitation is now clear, it is
caused by a change in the Cartan spin connection of R theory, a change in
the angular velocity. The R metric can be transformed into a Schwarzschild
metric and the latter used as usual, BUT this is a mathematical procedure,
it does not mean more than that in ECE theory. There is however a profound
difference between the R theory and the obsolete Einstein theory. The R
theory is an example of Cartan geometry, which is correct, whereas the
Einstein theory incorrectly ignores torsion. By now this is widely known
and accepted. This note shows, furthermore, that the famous light
deflection and precession phenomena are described by theories of special
relativity with r replaced by r + r0. Everything formerly attributed to the
Einstein theory should now be attributed to R theory by the ECE school of
thought. The Schwarzschild metric of the standard model appeared as if by
magic, Schwarzschild never deduced it. So I will now proceed to writing up
this note and others as UFT263 with Horst Eckardt as co author. As usual,
Horst has checked all the notes. Finally note that Eq. (32) for light
deflection due to gravitation should be used with an identically non zero
photon mass, not an identically zero photon mass as used by Einstein. So
everything is brought together in an elegant way and it is now known that
ECE can reduce mathematically to Einstein and MH exactly, but is at the
same time a rigorously correct theory and a unified field theory. The ECE
School will know all this very well by now, and is independent of the
standard physics in every way.


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