Kevin O'Malley <> wrote:

> 1. *There are many who have been paid to demonize LENR and to hinder any
> progress*. Just look at some of the material uncovered by the famous or
> infamous Edward Snowden.
This is speculation. Unless someone discovers proof that someone,
somewhere, was paid to demonize LENR, we will not know this for a fact.
Just people have been paid to demonize other subjects, that is not proof
they are paid to attack cold fusion. Frankly, so many people attack it
without being paid, I doubt anyone would bother to hire people for this

> Another example of paid entities working to suppress the truth and push
> forward the false, evil, and greed-inspired agenders of their paymasters,
> is the Global Warming group
> <>.
That is a well documented example. If we find similar documents for cold
fusion, we can then claim it has been similarly attacked.

> Allegations of free energy suppression are not a new thing.
Allegations are not proof.

> 2. *Mega rich oil barons* won’t allow cold fusion to destroy their
> multi-trillion dollar oil industry.
I doubt they are aware of cold fusion. I know they fight against wind
energy and energy efficiency. If they knew about cold fusion, I suppose
they would fight it.

It is possible they are fighting it, but I do not know of any proof of that.

3. *Most scientists renounce it just because higher scientists have done
> so.*

This is true.

> 4. *Patent applications.* Not only does the patent office have a well
> known secret of rejecting anything to do with cold fusion, but some patent
> applications also deserve the treatment they get.

The Patent Office policy is not exactly a secret. And yes, many patents
should be rejected.

> 6. *Mankind has not fully tapped into it.* The science behind it is not
> really understood yet.
True. As far as I can tell, it is not understood at all.

- Jed

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