***Perhaps you are not familiar with Rossi's credibility issues regarding his past posts on JONP.Â

Contrariwise, almost everything he's referred to has come to fruition in one form or another. (Maybe not the automated factory, but where DID all those 1MW units, in 3 different models, come from?)

***Yes, there are. I just find it difficult to believe that these 7 PhD's are so incompetent. I mean, the vast majority of Vorts knew that there would probably have to be  isotopic analysis on the 6 month test. But these geniuses are ONLY NOW getting around to thinking about doing it? That simply does not add up.Â

The test has only just ended. I just hope they had enough sample material to do multiple tests. That's the one aspect that could be done differently if the reviewers suggest/require it.

And I repeat my wish that they'd separate the calorimetric and mass spectrometry papers.

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