And to a lesser degree may relate to granary explosions, pyrophoricuty and 
maybe even Papp noble gas engine in that we may be dealing with Casimir 
geometries forming in ambient gases that break the isotropy creating the NAE, 
literally on the "fly",  as the reaction expands or contracts the gases caught 
between these grains acting as Casimir boundaries? 

-----Original Message-----
From: Jones Beene [] 
Sent: Monday, July 07, 2014 9:42 AM
Subject: EXTERNAL: RE: [Vo]:understanding the relationship between internal 
conversion and the far field

-----Original Message-----
In reply to  Axil Axil's message:

>> If the cause of LENR is the excitation of the vacuum through the
injection of very energetic EMF (magnetic), it might be possible that the
energy intensive magnetic fields supported by exothermic gainful nuclear
reactions might be injected into the vacuum enclosing the nucleus which
might possibly supply the energy needed to make endothermic nuclear
reactions possible. 

> You don't need to do this. Just fuse everything together first, then it
it to the detected end products. 

There is a simpler explanation than either of these - relating to magnetism,
spin and symmetry - which can operate without fusion ... thanks to applying
the findings of Dr. Steven Jones... not "muon-Steve" but "thermite-Steve".
BTW he was probably correct on both issues IMO.

As was known long before 9/11, the most powerful non-nuclear explosive is a
version of thermite, once made with nano-iron-oxide but now more exotic.
Tons of this material were found in dust near the Twin Towers site. There
was a document circulating on the Web, purporting to be Top-Secret, claiming
the gain in nano-thermite is 50 times chemical. That document is probably
typical Photoshop BS, and can be discounted, but... it could be intentional
disinformation (in a convoluted scheme to discredit Dr Jones). 

Here is the sanitized Wiki version which does not mention
"superferromagnetism" aka "nanomagnetism."

The usual explanation is that the higher surface area of "nano" is
responsible for the large increase in power. This could be part of the case,
however, there is likely to be something else, far more energetic, besides a
redox reaction going on in these explosions, related to
"superferromagnetism" and "superparamagnetism" both of which are intrinsic
to the main component of nanothermite.

What Wiki glosses over is the interaction between spin/magnetic behavior of
nanoparticles breaking known and hidden symmetry - which taps into Dirac
negative energy. Thus we find that dimensional symmetry is overcome by
intense magnetic pulses and conservation of energy falls by the way-side. 

Not quite the same as LENR but close, since apparently with the military
version of nano-thermite, instead of finding the usual nanoparticles of
magnetite, we find that a ferrihydrite (nominally FeOOH) is used, which
apparently has hydrogen content in order to provide the vehicle for gain. It
would surprise no one to learn that a nickel version is also used (nominally
NiOOH). As Robin will note, either can fit into a Mills explanation as well,
since both metals have Rydberg IP "holes".


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