If it is a colloid then yes! All colloids should, by the laws of chemistry, be 
liquid, but instead form a suspensions due to  geometry / hall effect / Casimir 
effect / stiction …take your choice but Casimir determined it was the effect 
that now bears his name. He also worked for Philips so there appears to be a 
long history of pursuing this anomaly by them.

From: ChemE Stewart [mailto:cheme...@gmail.com]
Sent: Tuesday, July 08, 2014 8:05 AM
To: vortex-l@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: EXTERNAL: Re: [Vo]:Papers by O. Reifenschweiler at Philips 
Research Repository

Does it work the same for peanut butter?

On Tuesday, July 8, 2014, Roarty, Francis X 
<francis.x.roa...@lmco.com<mailto:francis.x.roa...@lmco.com>> wrote:
                you and Daniel discussed this in 2013 
https://www.mail-archive.com/vortex-l@eskimo.com/msg82813.html .. IMHO this 
seeming break in logic is due to what Jan Naudt’s describes as “relativistic 
hydrogen” in his paper..that is any form of hydrogen and quite possibly other 
small gas atoms undergoe Lorentzian translation between nano geometries of 
conductive materials. This accounts for the seeming breach in syntax that 
allows both the radioactive  half-life to be reduced while the particle 
emission also “seems” to be reduced! But IMHO,  “locally”  to the tritium 
everything seems normal.. we the observers outside the bulk lattice appear to 
slow down in time [from the tritiums perspective] in the same manner we apply 
to the Paradox twin approaching C,  I believe the tritium continues to decay at 
its normal rate from it’s own local perspective.. It is unaware that the 
surrounding cavity formed by nanoparticles is preventing virtual particles to 
pass thru our 3d plane at their normal angle.. the larger virtual particles 
have a vacuum wavelength that must “turn to fit within the cavity which forces 
time and space to exchange parameters between the conductive boundaries [a poor 
mans special relativity without the need for near C velocity but limited to 
nano geometries], any gas atoms in this region undergo a translation, their 
inertial frame is changed globally and they “accelerate” in what we perceive as 
a non spatial direction, contracting or expanding back to normal relative to 
our 3d plane outside the lattice.. a symmetrical Lorentzian contraction instead 
of the single axis we accept in special relativity for the velocity vector 
approaching C,  funny how we keep coming back to Philips lab where Casimir 
first started his investigation on colloids like mayonnaise ..which may turn 
out to be the most important condiment in history should ZPE and Casimir effect 
be at the root of this anomaly :_) The emissions only seem reduced because they 
are travelling much further than we perceive and the particles emitted undergo 
temporal dilation as they travel on a very long hypotenuse between time and 
space while exiting the casimir confinement – perhaps also explaining the odd 
blue spectrum described by Randell Mills in their Black Light hydride reactor.

From: Axil Axil 
Sent: Monday, July 07, 2014 8:29 PM
To: vortex-l
Subject: EXTERNAL: Re: [Vo]:Papers by O. Reifenschweiler at Philips Research 

This is that same isotope stabilization effects seen is laser based 
nanoplasmonic experiments performed with gold nanoparticles.

From a previous post except in part as follows:

 have referenced papers here to show how the confinement of electrons on the 
surface of gold nanoparticles: a nanoplasmonic mechanism can change the 
half-life of U232 from 69 years to 6 microseconds. It also causes thorium to 

 See references:


Experiments showing the same mechanism as listed below:

"Laser-induced synthesis and decay of Tritium under exposure of solid targets 
in heavy water"


 Initiation of nuclear reactions under laser irradiation of Au nanoparticles in 
the presence of Thorium aqua ions


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