Also this thing is absorbing huge amounts of energy, from both the nuclear
reactions & the environmental temperatures of the system, and maintains
these very delicate nano-whisker structures & BEC. That's a lot to ask of
one mechanism. The BEC's also maintain themselves somehow during
heat-after-death. If true, this would certainly have revolutionary
implications for the next generation of radiation shielding, right? How can
you experimentally prove such a thing?

On Tue, Jul 22, 2014 at 9:11 PM, Foks0904 . <> wrote:

> So this how can we experimentally prove this hypothesis? Widom-Larsen
> refuse to subject theirs to test.
> On Tue, Jul 22, 2014 at 9:05 PM, Axil Axil <> wrote:
>> Polariton production must be strongly pumped. In Rossi's system the
>> pumping is done by the mouse or primary heater. In the DGT system the
>> pumping is done by the arc discharge. This pumping produces dipole
>> oscillations on the surface of the micro particles. Dipoles produce the
>> electrons and photons that combine to form polaritons.
>> When the heat or the arc is discontinued, the reaction will eventually
>> die. In a hot system, the BEC dissipates after the reactions have
>> stopped so it will still protect against after life gamma's. When Rossi ran
>> his systems cold with little dipole electron production, he did see gammas
>> at shutdown.
>> On Tue, Jul 22, 2014 at 7:27 PM, Foks0904 . <> wrote:
>>> How does the BEC-polariton shield maintain its existence without applied
>>> current -- similar to when power is shut-off to a system and demonstrates
>>> heat-after-death power generation? The electrical input goes away, cold
>>> plasma goes away, BEC shield goes away, but the reactions persist, so we
>>> should observe storms of radiation during those periods, which we do
>>> not. Same problem as WLT, or no?
>>> On Tue, Jul 22, 2014 at 7:19 PM, Axil Axil <> wrote:
>>>> This is way a LENR system will work for awhile and then died a slow
>>>> death. A BEC leeps a reactor going for months without damage to the nano
>>>> strutures.
>>>> On Tue, Jul 22, 2014 at 7:11 PM, Foks0904 . <> wrote:
>>>>> Axil -- this sounds a bit similar to Widom-Larsen's magic gamma
>>>>> shield. Maybe there is evidence for energy distribution in a BEC polariton
>>>>> system -- but these are observed only outside LENR systems, in very
>>>>> selective environments, and last I checked all NiH generating systems 
>>>>> don't
>>>>> require the existence of a cold plasma either. In those systems no BEC
>>>>> would form, and a truck load of gammas would result.
>>>>> On Tue, Jul 22, 2014 at 7:08 PM, Axil Axil <> wrote:
>>>>>> The BEC buffers the release of energy by widely spreading it out over
>>>>>> many NAE. The is something called quantum mechanical blockade that makes
>>>>>> sure no one NAE get more energy than the others.
>>>>>> When there is no BEC formed, a gamma is produced by the sole NAE and
>>>>>> the NAE is destroyed. A LENR system that produces gamma is eating itself 
>>>>>> up
>>>>>> and will soon fail.
>>>>>> On Tue, Jul 22, 2014 at 6:31 PM, Foks0904 . <>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Axil -- OK, but how is the fusion reaction initiated in this model?
>>>>>>> The magnetic nano-antennae traps bring the hydrogen to the NAE (which is
>>>>>>> what exactly?) and then what happens? Basically Kim's theory? Where 
>>>>>>> else,
>>>>>>> experimentally, has a BCE exhibited the tendency to initiate fusion?
>>>>>>> Why would the BEC "protect [nano-wire] from destruction"? BEC's
>>>>>>> themselves are not known to exist at the temperatures we are
>>>>>>> positing. Therefore how can they protect anything if they themselves 
>>>>>>> should
>>>>>>> not maintain an existence at much higher temperatures? I know the claims
>>>>>>> for creation of "room temperature" BEC (Michigan group I think) -- none 
>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>> which show BEC can exist at particularly high temperatures in a chaotic
>>>>>>> environment, form in copious amounts, or initiate any kind of fusion
>>>>>>> reaction. This seems like another way of stating Hagelstein's view, 
>>>>>>> only he
>>>>>>> doesn't posit the necessity for a BEC or plasmons, whereby he explains
>>>>>>> energy dissipation through a quantum coherent sharing process across the
>>>>>>> lattice structure & hydrogen clusters via phonons (aka quasi-particles 
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> same as polaritons).
>>>>>>> On Tue, Jul 22, 2014 at 6:16 PM, Axil Axil <>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> The way power flows from the fusion reaction to the lattice is
>>>>>>>> based on the formation of a global BEC. The nuclear reaction feeds the 
>>>>>>>> BEC
>>>>>>>> power in small packets, hundreds of thousands of energy packets  spread
>>>>>>>> quantum mechanically over all the members of the global polariton BEC. 
>>>>>>>> The
>>>>>>>> nickel nanowire does not enter into the nuclear reaction. It only 
>>>>>>>> projects
>>>>>>>> a magnetic force that causes the nuclear reaction to take place. The 
>>>>>>>> Energy
>>>>>>>> from the LENR reaction flows back through the magnetic field lines to 
>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>> soliton which is the BEC ensemble member at the tip of the nickel 
>>>>>>>> nanowire.
>>>>>>>> The BEC of polaritons is what protects the nickel nanowire from
>>>>>>>> destruction.
>>>>>>>> Similar energy sharing is seen in the BEC of Rydberg atoms. That
>>>>>>>> BEC is called a super atom because it act like one huge atom.
>>>>>>>> This is also how dark matter polariton clouds form at the centers
>>>>>>>> of dwarf galaxies to form a polariton BEC of dark matter carried by
>>>>>>>> interstellar dust as the substrate that is 100000 parsecs in diameter.
>>>>>>>> On Tue, Jul 22, 2014 at 5:58 PM, Foks0904 . <>
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Thanks for the comment Jojo. I think you make a fair point(s).
>>>>>>>>> On Tue, Jul 22, 2014 at 5:48 PM, Jojo Iznart <
>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>   In all this talk about the NAE being a Nanowire, a nanotip, a
>>>>>>>>>> nanoantenna, a nanomesh, a nanospike, a nano coating on a nano 
>>>>>>>>>> particle,  a
>>>>>>>>>> nano-this and a nano-that; people seems to be forgeting the fact that
>>>>>>>>>> whatever nano structure the NAE is, it will not survive the 
>>>>>>>>>> temperatures
>>>>>>>>>> we've seen being demonstrated; especially with Rossi's hotcat.
>>>>>>>>>> Is it not obvious to anyone that whatever whatever the NAE is, it
>>>>>>>>>> couldn't possibly be a nanostructure of Nickel.  Nickel will be a
>>>>>>>>>> homogenous blob of partly molten metal at the temperatures we are 
>>>>>>>>>> talking
>>>>>>>>>> about. And it is known,  that it will sinter and reshape itself even 
>>>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>>>> temperatures significantly below its melting temp.   In other words,
>>>>>>>>>> GOODBYE NAE.  At best, it is a one-use NAE.  An NAE that is a 
>>>>>>>>>> nanostructure
>>>>>>>>>> Nickel appears to be highly unlikely and improbable.
>>>>>>>>>> That is why, I'm with Ed on this.  People come up with theories
>>>>>>>>>> that conveniently ignore the chemical environment.  In this case, the
>>>>>>>>>> physical melting or sintering point of Nickel.
>>>>>>>>>> Axil's theory while sounding erudite and well-researched, has a
>>>>>>>>>> big hole in the middle of it.  Big enough to drive a Mack truck thru.
>>>>>>>>>> Unless Axil can explain how his Nano antenna NAE can survive the 
>>>>>>>>>> temps, It
>>>>>>>>>> is my opinion that his theory is dead.
>>>>>>>>>>  I broke my self-imposed exile just to say this.  It seems that
>>>>>>>>>> there are many theories being bandied around that simply breaks very
>>>>>>>>>> important principles.  Whatever you think of Ed's book, he makes a 
>>>>>>>>>> very
>>>>>>>>>> important point, we should not simply ignore the chemical 
>>>>>>>>>> environment, or
>>>>>>>>>> physical properties of metals, or thermodynamic principles, etc if 
>>>>>>>>>> they do
>>>>>>>>>> not fit our theories.
>>>>>>>>>> Jojo

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