I seriously doubt that Ed Storms would permit the blatant violation of the
strictures of thermodynamics to embrace your scenario.

On Wed, Jul 23, 2014 at 3:52 PM, Bob Higgins <rj.bob.higg...@gmail.com>

> I completely disagree Axil, the Mizuno endothermic (or Ahern endothermic)
> observation is not at all catastrophic.
> You said:
>  This contemplation of an endothermic mechanism is a catastrophic
>> sacrilege of epic proportions for Ed because it violates his beloved and
>> inviolable laws of thermodynamics.
> Once you have a coupled resonant structure, such as Ed's hydroton, and if
> you include the concept that within the hydroton could exist fractional
> Rydberg state H (like Mills), then you have a structure that can also
> absorb energy.  Resonant structures make great receivers as well as
> transmitters.  The resonant structure provides the evanescent coupling to
> the fractional state H atoms.  These atoms can be elevated from their
> fractional state by evanescent coupling as well as being lowered in
> fractional state through the same evanescent coupling.  Depending on the
> state of the system, it seems plausible that such resonant structures could
> absorb a significant amount of energy and elevate fractional state hydrogen
> atoms to a state closer to ground state.
> Bob Higgins

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