One more detail worth adding...


As mentioned, ferrotitanium - which is the standard commercial way that
titanium is bought and sold -is nominally 30% iron and 70% titanium, and is
actually cheaper than nickel, whereas pure titanium is rather dear... but
can ferrotitanium be used in this device as catalyst in powdered form?


It would need to be finely particulated of course, few microns probably,
though not necessarily nano - and that does not really cost much when done
on an industrial scale. Plus, iron itself is a Mills catalyst, but how the
two metals would act in alloy form is not known to me. Perhaps there is
synergy, but this detail may be intended to remain a trade secret. Oops,
sorry Randy.


Given that BLP has many smart guys working there, and they profess that this
process is commercializable - about the only way that could happen IMO,
based on the limited amount of information available - is for ferrotitanium
to be reused over and over again, and for it to be done in a factory setting
where the powdered catalyst is burned once to form the f/H, with the high
gain - and then recycled back to ferrotitanium in a molten salt type cell,
and then turned to powder, ad infinitum. This makes it seem far less


Obviously it will never happen on a small scale. Nevertheless, if nothing
better comes along ... the "filling station" of the future will sell you a
mix of water and titanium powder, which presumably has more energy content
than gasoline used to be, being a better value, and your engine collects the
spent sludge for reprocessing.


One detail worth adding...


Titanium is unique in Mills' CQM insofar as he has identified the parameters
of catalysis. It has 3 potential Rydberg holes, but notably at IP2, the
ionization happens at 13.58 eV. As a metal which is insoluble in water, the
multiple atoms and valence electrons of titanium powder are en-meshed
tightly - so that we can consider that there are two atoms of metal working
as one site - as oxidation begins with water, which together can present a
hole of 27.16. This makes it the best fit of any in the periodic table for
the ideal Rydberg value of 27.2, so long as we allow pairs to supply the
hole, and there is actually a good argument favoring pairs over single


The problem is - that once oxidized, titanium is very difficult to reduce,
which is necessary for reusing it; and it is too expensive of a single pass.
That is why it appears at first glance that this device has little
commercial chance of success.


From: Orionworks - Steven Vincent Johnson 


That would suggest to me that a "triggered" portion of Titanium powder
mixture would not be capable of oxidizing since the enclosure would be
totally immersed within an inert gas mixture. 


That is not exactly the purpose of the argon (which is itself a catalyst).
Titanium metal will develop a surface layer of titanium oxide that prevents
chemical reactions. This occurs when it comes in contact with air, but also
when it comes in contact with water. This reaction forms titanium oxide and


Even if Mills does not acknowledge it, the titanium oxidizes by taking the
oxygen from the water at the same time as a free hydrogen atoms drops into
the energy "hole" created by that same reaction. Titanium, in effect, wants
the "oxygen" much more than the water molecule wants it. And Mills does not
want to impede this valuable theft by allowing oxygen in the air to supply
the need reactant.



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