From: Ron Kita 


In the Wired article is a comment by Cathar Seamus...on a possible dark matter 
interaction at 100 Ghz. 


Here is the comment. Note that 100 GHz is in the W band, which is reserved by 
the military and NASA… just sayin’…


“I believe that they might be hitting a dark matter resonance: microwave 
photons have approx. 10^-23 Joules = 10^-4 eV. Josephson-Junctions experiments 
discovered an axionic dark matter resonance at.. 0.11 meV. This cavity is tuned 
to 10^-25 Joule photons, if this connection I suspect is correct, the maximum 
thrust should occur at 100 GHz frequencies”



We provide theoretical arguments that dark-matter axions from the galactic halo 
that pass through Earth may generate a small observable signal in resonant 
S/N/S Josephson junctions. The corresponding interaction process is based on 
the uniqueness of the gauge-invariant axion Josephson phase angle modulo 2π and 
is predicted to produce a small Shapiro steplike feature without externally 
applied microwave radiation when the Josephson frequency resonates with the 
axion mass. A resonance signal of so far unknown origin observed by C. Hoffmann 
et al. [Phys. Rev. B 70, 180503(R) (2004)] is consistent with our theory and 
can be interpreted in terms of an axion mass mac2=0.11  meV and a local 
galactic axionic dark-matter density of 0.05  GeV/cm3. We discuss future 
experimental checks to confirm the dark-matter nature of the observed signal.



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