From: Orionworks - Steven Vincent Johnson 
*       Randy posted the following statement:
                                "On July 31, 2014, BlackLight Power closed
on $11 M in private equity financing that was oversubscribed by $1 M."

Yup, pretty clear that the last demo was indeed a dog-and-pony show, staged
for well-heeled investors, but with almost no science involved... and quite
possibly no overunity involved either. It was almost a Rube Goldberg joke,
in retrospect - seam welder and squirt gun - LOL.

Nevertheless - I wish BLP success too - the need for any kind of
non-fossil-fuel solution is greater than ever - but alas, based on the
similarity with the past 5 demos which were almost the same formula ... all
show and no go ... except to stash away $10 million more, we may hear no
more of the SunCell, and in a year there will be something else for someone
else. There's one born every day, as they say.

Fortunately, Mizuno and/or IH are poised to open up things with real data
instead of hype.  

RIP... SunCell... we hardly knew ya' 


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