*Can random thermal motion ever be converted into spin?*

I assert that this is the underlying mechanism of LENR.

On Sat, Aug 9, 2014 at 12:40 PM, David Roberson <dlrober...@aol.com> wrote:

> Thanks Jones.  There might be something here that needs further
> research.  Would it not seem logical that there should exist some ultimate
> minimum energy level for the proton mass?  In other words, some mass below
> which additional energy can not be extracted.
> I can imagine that higher spin energy states would exist.  These may even
> exchange total energy among the nearby protons such that most remain
> elevated about the zero additional energy state.  Then I might ask about
> how unidirectional the effect should be.  Would the tendency to achieve
> maximum disorder push the process of converting the stored excess energy
> into thermal motion?  Can random thermal motion ever be converted into spin?
> I suppose I am reaching for a mechanism that would allow an exchange of
> the captured spin energy with random thermal energy.  I guess that spin
> energy is strongly associated with angular momentum while thermal energy
> tends to be considered associated with linear momentum.   The two might not
> mix very well.  So far I have not been able to come up with a way to
> exchange the two types of momentum.
> Forgive me for rambling on, but this is the way my mind processes
> interactive ideas as I try to connect the dots.
> Dave
>  -----Original Message-----
> From: Jones Beene <jone...@pacbell.net>
> To: vortex-l <vortex-l@eskimo.com>
> Sent: Sat, Aug 9, 2014 12:14 pm
> Subject: RE: [Vo]:A good analogy for nanomagnetism
>               From: David Roberson
> *     
> *      I want to ask you about your thougths about the variation in proton
> mass.  Should the variation be measurable with high sensitivity mass
> spectrometers?
> Yes and no. This is not unlike the problem of mass-4 similarity between D2
> and He but more demanding. There could be repeatable statistical variation
> over a large population within measurement error of the very top level
> specialty spectrometer, running for substantial time periods. But in an
> average lab – no way.
> Given Rossi’s claims, it might even be possible to actually weight the
> difference on a sensitive scale if the hydrogen sample was say 10 grams of
> H2 from a blue box which had given up say a gigawatt of heat over 6 months.
> There are nanogram scales using piezoelectric effects which could be
> modified.
> *     I suppose that even a 1% variation would be more than enough to
> supply all of the nuclear energy that we are seeing since the energy content
> of the standard mass is so great.
> Not that large. The usable mass variation for protons appears to be about 70
> ppm (part per million). If the distribution is a bell curve, then perhaps
> one third of the population can be further depleted. In short, the average
> gain possible can be calculated to be about 5,000-10,000 times more than
> chemical but about 1,000-2,000 times less than nuclear fusion.
> *     Also, are you aware of any super accurate mass measurements that
> have shown variation in this factor?
> I have a collection of published measurements of proton mass (going back to
> the cold war era) where there were substantial reported variations,
> especially as seen in Russia. Different instrumentation. Nowadays, everyone
> automatically seems to use the same value.
> Jones

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