
I’m not sure you saw the original item from the comments on the Kim DDL theory 
rejection.  It predates the slide show you discussed recently.  It has an 
interesting mechanism that may allow the fusion reaction of D and or H to 
proceed via production of energetic electrons that are able to get to lower 
energy levels associated with the DDL of most any atom.  Note the idea that the 
H nuclei have a certain repulsion radius that is influenced by the local 
magnetic field.  Va’vra etal were on to the dark matter issue early on.  One of 
the authors is from your neck of the woods--San Jose.

This item can be obtained from this link:

Bob Cook

Sent from Windows Mail

From: Jones Beene
Sent: ‎Sunday‎, ‎August‎ ‎17‎, ‎2014 ‎6‎:‎40‎ ‎PM

                From: Harry Veeder

                On pages 60-61 Va'vra considers the consequences if DDL
atoms exist:
1.      DDL transition energies are 300-500 keV. If this is real, it may be
a substantial energy source.

This is where this earlier work differs from Naudts. Va’vra looks more like
Mills wrt many different levels. Naudts has only the single deep level, and
it is that single level at 3.7 keV which matches the recently discovered
emission line of dark matter (when red-shifted down to ~3.5 keV)

2.      DDL atoms, such as the DDL hydrogen, could be responsible for a
missing dark matter.

AFAIK – this is the first mention of this connection of the DDL state to
dark matter. If it proves out – is this discovery not of Nobel Prize
caliber, especially if it helps explain LENR? Well, probably not, since Va’
vra did not close the deal by emphasizing the correct value.


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