My friend, are you actually saying that my propane flat plate heat exchanger 
did not work is because I did it wrong?  Did you do any better?  Are you here 
to contend that the propane FPHE contraption actually works as you theorized?  
Can you make it work?  Please show us cause if it is overunity, that would be 
revolutionary and you will win the Nobel Prize.  Please show us your 
experiments.  (Oh sorry for asking ... you DON"T do any experiments LOL.)


  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Axil Axil 
  To: vortex-l 
  Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2014 11:42 AM
  Subject: Re: [Vo]:Evolutionists As Idiots

  One reason why JoJo's systems do not work is that he spends a great deal of 
time posting and not enough experimenting. He expects other people to do his 
work for him.

  On Mon, Aug 25, 2014 at 8:57 PM, Jojo Iznart <> wrote:

    To Jed and the rest of Darwinian Evolutionists here:

    I have a simple question:

    1.  What is your best evidence of Darwinian Evolution occuring?  

    By Darwinian Evolution - I mean Macro-Evolution of one species (One kind) 
turning into another species (another kind).  I do not mean micro-evolution 
(aka variation, aka adaptation.)  I know micro-evolution occurs.  I want 
macro-evolution demonstrated and observed.   Please state just one example 
where this mechanism is observed and repeatable.  Darwinists claim that their 
theory is settled science, and as Jed and other correctly pointed out, science 
for it to be science must be repeatable.  I would like to see one example (just 
one example) where this is observed and repeated.  (Maybe not even repeated - 
just observed)


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