On Tue, Oct 7, 2014 at 8:01 AM, Bob Higgins <rj.bob.higg...@gmail.com>

Zirconia would not, itself, be a catalyst.  I specifically mentioned
> zirconium - the metal.

I thought your description of how you're using zirconium was interesting.
My comments related to the way George Miley is using it, in an article
Jones linked to.

> In the case of zeolites, I understand that the zeolite material is not
> LENR active itself.

Makes sense.  I was thinking of zeolites and zirconium dioxide, which are
dielectrics, along the lines of providing a matrix within which conductive
active sites are contained and electrically insulated from one another (in
the manner of your description of zeolites).  My hunch is that the
electrical insulation will make it possible for higher potentials to arise
between conductive grains than would be the case if the entire substrate
were freely conductive.  If the potential were high enough, I'm thinking
there would be arcing.  No doubt there would need to be something above and
beyond the zeolite or zirconium dioxide substrate to set up the potential.


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