Let me remove a few typos


There are several problems with the testing which cannot be remedied with the 
dubious isotope analysis, which is an independent problem.


1)    They had every opportunity to coat the reactor with black refractory 
paint. In fact Rossi did this on numerous other tests. This can be seen in many 
of the more famous images online.

2)    They did not calibrate above 450 C and this was not done ON DIRECT ORDERS 

3)    There is every reason to believe that the apparent gain is a calibration 
relic and would have been seen in the dummy, had they tested it high enough. 
IOW there is NO EFFECTIVE calibration at high temperature here, and this is a 
niche in which success depends on calibration.

4)    They should have used pyrometer or platinum thermocouple, or preferably 
both - in any event. Had they used all three, and it would have cost almost 
nothing to use all three, there would be no problem.

5)    The were highly criticized in the first report for the IR Camera but 
ignored the criticism.

6)    In short this report is non-scientific and should not be passed-off as 
evidence of anything. It represents extreme incompetence at best.



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