>From prior postings...

The Li6 and the Ni62 were added by Rossi - not created. That is my main
message in this long saga to find the truth - and it is factual no matter
how much excess heat was created. (of course that is my opinion only)

This scenario still falls under the category of deceit, since it means that
Rossi submitted a "raw fuel" sample to test which he knew did not contain
the Li6 nor the Ni62.

I hope that is crystal clear because it is a fine-line as to where and at
what point the deceit came into play. Was the nearly pure isotope added at
the start or at the end?

Even if we can accept most or all of the heat as valid, then there has been
deceit in the way the isotope analysis was handled - but not by anyone other
than Andrea Rossi. However, Rossi's many fans will say that he can be
forgiven for that if he was only "trying to protect his secret."

Which would essentially mean that the "secret" is to start out with Ni62 and
Li6, making this a very expensive 1.5 MWhr of energy. Even in mass
production (half the current retail price) the cost would be on the order of
$15,000 for .01 gram of Li6 and a gram of Ni62). The big question is how
much of that gram is lost and how did those two reactants manage to produce
gamma-free heat? I will save that for another post.

Let's say that there is truly 1.5 MWhr of thermal heat ... wait ... let's
say Rossi can probably double that ... to 3 MWhr when he gets it stabilized
- and after conversion into electricity at 33% efficiency, that makes the
electrical power a megawatt hour, worth about $120 dollars retail.

Oops. You can see why AR does not want his secret sauce to be known, and it
is the economics - not the physics.

As first glance, that kind of device with expensive fuel - is of little use
to solve the energy crisis, so that the deceit is only there to enrich
Andrea Rossi. 

However, if the pure isotopes are not lost, and maybe they can be engineered
not be lost - then it gets far more interesting since lower temperature
should be okay and the main economic question is long will they last.


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