No.  The simulation is quite limited in scope.





-----Original Message-----
From: Axil Axil <>
To: vortex-l <>
Sent: Tue, Oct 14, 2014 11:46 am
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Interesting Simulation Results

Dear David.

If there a way in your simulation to prove that the nickel particles would all 
be melted unless some LENR miracle is preventing it.

See my tread Super​-fluidic heat flow for tomclarks analysis.

On Tue, Oct 14, 2014 at 11:24 AM, David Roberson <> wrote:

That seems to be the best explanation that is derived from my model.  Stable 
operation of the HotCat is achieved when the heat generated by the core finds 
an easy escape from the device.  Since it is highly likely that the heat energy 
generated within the core increases at a rate that is greater than linear and 
zero at low temperatures, it becomes necessary to remove the increasing heat 
that is generated as the core temperature rises.  The radiation that occurs, 
which is proportional to the forth power of the temperature, takes care of the 
very high temperature region of operation.

The simulation model initially latched at an intermediate temperature due to 
too much positive feedback in that operating range and the addition of a more 
robust method of extracting energy solved that issue.  In this case a better 
sink turned out to be a more efficient convection or conduction term that is 
associated with a lower polynomial power.  The geometry modification appears to 
be the best way to increase the convection and conduction terms to achieve the 
required stability.

I have more to come with regard to my model and how it indicates that internal 
heat generation is a near certainty.  This can be understood in light of the 
device behavior described within the latest report.





-----Original Message-----
From: Alain Sepeda <>
To: Vortex List <>
Sent: Tue, Oct 14, 2014 2:29 am
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Interesting Simulation Results

you explain the new shape of the reactor covering, with the


shapes, as a required increase of convection ?

what I see in that reactor is dozens of engineering innovations, not so sexy as 
LENR, but the kind engineer do everyday to make rocket fly.

2014-10-13 23:21 GMT+02:00 David Roberson <>:

I decided to review my ECAT simulation model to see if it were reasonable to 
achieve a COP of around 3.5 while operating within a non thermal runaway region 
under steady state conditions.  The earlier runs and model tended to indicate 
that it is quite precarious to operate the ECAT at a COP of greater than 2 
without the pulse wide modulation input power waveform.

Once a decision is made to operate within a potentially unstable region, it 
becomes necessary to turn the input power on and off periodically to prevent 
thermal run away. To the best of my knowledge, Rossi has used this type of 
operation until the latest test.  In that demonstration the input drive is 
relatively constant and operation in the so called SSM mode not used.

The new HotCat expels the internal heat through a combination of radiated, 
convected and conducted paths.  The radiation path is quite useful when one 
attempts to prevent thermal run away conditions since a small increase in 
surface temperature results in a large increase in thermal radiation.  Everyone 
by now has seen that the radiation goes up proportional to the forth power of 
the temperature and that puts the brakes upon increases in extra power 
generation due to internal temperature increases.

My main question was related to understanding how he now can operate without 
having to worry so much about overheating and thermal run away while that was 
such a problem before.  The trick apparently is in the geometry of the device.  
A large surface area is available to radiate away the escaping heat at a 
manageable surface temperature.  Also, the surface of the main cylinder is 
specially treated with grooves to enhance thermal escape due to convection.

This carefully constructed design is capable of removing enough heat to quench 
the positive feedback action that the internal core would normally encounter at 
the elevated operating temperatures.  My model needed to take into account the 
new geometry features that were not present in the earlier devices.

When I first ran a simulation of the new device I noticed that it was easy to 
limit the maximum temperature since the radiation was so efficient at handling 
the extra internal heat energy generated by any moderate increase in core 
temperature.  I model the core heat generation by means of a polynomial power 
series and as long as the main terms contributing to the core heating are below 
forth order, a stable operating point is obtained.  It would be useful to have 
the actual power series from an operating device, but that is apparently too 
much to expect at this time.

A problem appeared when the input power was removed.  As expected the 
temperature dropped a large amount in the core, but it reached a point of 
stable continuous output.  This situation would not be tolerable and 
fortunately not seen within the test.  I scratched my head and then realized 
that a cure to the problem was available.  I adjusted the coefficient of the 
linear term that represented the convection heat emission and found that a 
value could be chosen that allowed the output temperature to continue downwards 
when input drive is removed.  This adjustment very much falls into line with 
the real device since a lot of effort was expended in designing the groove 

When the dust settled I had an opportunity to figure out exactly what was 
required to achieve a stable system.  The surface area of the device must be 
designed so that convection currents carry away more heat than is generated 
within the lower temperature regions.  This is needed to ensure that a low 
temperature latching performance is not obtained.  Also, the surface areas must 
be able to radiate the correct amount of heat at the desired operation point.  
In that case, the sum of the drive power and the internally generated core 
power has to match the power that is emitted due to radiation, convection and 

This new model is amazingly simple in structure but demonstrates interesting 
insight into operation of the new CAT.  Operation with a COP of approximately 
3.5 did not seem to be too difficult with the optimum parameters according to 
the latest model.  I plan to continue to evaluate my model as time permits and 
new data and questions arise.


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