Hi Bob,

I've been very busy for the last year and have not had the time to partake
in the lively discussions in the Collective, and with the added publicity
that vortex-l has had (thanks to Mark Gibbs and others) the quality of the
discussions has definitely increased significantly. we've also lost some
dear souls since LENR started heating up, and they are missed. L


Thanks for chiming in. 


Yes, I would agree that the size of the coherent system is an important key,
and that that size would also dictate what kind of photons get absorbed vs
which make it outside the bulk matter and into grad-student bulk matter!


When you say, ". is not the answer to the cold fusion question.", are you
saying that a LENR system doesn't involve coherency across many, many atoms
length???  I did not get the impression that the referenced article was
restricting it's hypothesis to two-body systems.




From: Bob Cook [mailto:frobertc...@hotmail.com] 
Sent: Thursday, October 16, 2014 7:18 AM
To: vortex-l@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: [Vo]:coherent perfect absorption




The size of the coherent system is the key.  Many bodies share the
distribution of energy and total coherent system energy changes.  Two body
systems like that heretofore considered in hot fusion physics (and extended
to all solid state physics by many) are not the answer to the cold fusion
question in most cases IMHOI.


Bob Cook

----- Original Message ----- 

From: MarkI-ZeroPoint <mailto:zeropo...@charter.net>  

To: vortex-l@eskimo.com 

Sent: Wednesday, October 15, 2014 11:35 PM

Subject: [Vo]:coherent perfect absorption


Just some food for Collective thought. as to why no dead grad students.


"Perfect energy-feeding into strongly coupled systems and interferometric
control of polariton absorption"




The ability to drive a system with an external input is a fundamental aspect
of light-matter interaction. The key concept in many photonic applications
is the 'critical coupling' condition1, 2: at criticality, all the energy fed
to the system is dissipated within the system itself. Although this idea was
crucial to enhance the efficiency of many devices, it was never considered
in the context of systems operating in a non-perturbative regime. In this
so-called strong-coupling regime, the matter and light degrees of freedom
are mixed into dressed states, leading to new eigenstates called
polaritons3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. Here we demonstrate that the
strong-coupling regime and the critical coupling condition can coexist; 


[emphasis mine]

>>>>        in such a strong critical coupling situation, all the incoming
energy is converted into polaritons.  <<<<


A general semiclassical theory reveals that such a situation corresponds to
a special curve in the phase diagram of the coupled light-matter
oscillators. In the case of a system with two radiating ports, the
phenomenology shown is that of coherent perfect absorption (CPA; refs 11,
12), which is then naturally understood in the framework of critical
coupling. Most importantly, we experimentally verify polaritonic CPA in a
semiconductor-based intersubband-polariton photonic crystal resonator. This
result opens new avenues in polariton physics, making it possible to control
the pumping efficiency of a system independent of the energy exchange rate
between the electromagnetic field and the material transition.


-mark iverson


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