20% is a bit low, the results were more 50% to 300% plus in the cases given.

But yes, it is better to clean up and say you will not make that promise
again than to clean up without the intention of keeping the new promise.

Doing otherwise is not even really a clean up since it was not authentic,
rather it is just doubling down on being out of integrity.

The only way we have power in this word is not by being our thought, our
feelings but by being our word.
And if we are our word, then we are weakened when our actions do not match
up with our word (when we are out of integrity).

And yet this isn't a phenomena of accepting or knowing about any of this,
we have all felt weakened, being less by not being our word.

On Wed, Oct 22, 2014 at 9:45 AM, Lennart Thornros <lenn...@thornros.com>

> John, I finished nut I scanned part. (Mostly where I had exact the same
> experience.)
> I did not mean sinners in a moral way. I meant we all use excuses like
> this.
> I know that leaking pen's poem is fun. I think there will be a time when
> people do not accept
> to be given half true explanations (example politicians, business leaders
> etc.).
> BTW the law from 64 is replaced by 1,125,899,906,842,624 laws
> Already in 65 it was 2 laws and in 66 it was 4 etc. The result is that no
> needy person
> is in the line and it does not go to any welfare desk.
> Next generation we will have a paradigm shift.
> You are not going to be allowed to clean up with another promise you have
> no intention to
> follow up on. Thus because the lack of integrity will be shining true as
> we have so fast
> information, easy accessible and linked to the promise made. I think that
> will increase
> productivity  . with at least 20%.Then it would reduce stress with 80%.
> Not much
> effort in to clean up the mess created by the last clean up etc.:)
> Best Regards ,
> Lennart Thornros
> www.StrategicLeadershipSac.com
> lenn...@thornros.com
> +1 916 436 1899
> 202 Granite Park Court, Lincoln CA 95648
> “Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a
> commitment to excellence, intelligent planning, and focused effort.” PJM
> On Tue, Oct 21, 2014 at 12:55 PM, leaking pen <itsat...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> *"The Way It Is"*
>> Standing in line, marking time
>> Waiting for the welfare dime
>> 'Cause they can't buy a job
>> The man in the silk suit hurries by
>> As he catches the poor old lady's eyes
>> Just for fun he says, "Get a job."
>> That's just the way it is
>> Some things will never change
>> That's just the way it is
>> Ah, but don't you believe them
>> Said hey, little boy, you can't go where the others go
>> 'Cause you don't look like they do
>> Said hey, old man, how can you stand to think that way?
>> And did you really think about it before you made the rules?
>> He said, son
>> That's just the way it is
>> Some things will never change
>> That's just the way it is
>> Ah, but don't you believe them, yeah
>> That's just the way it is
>> That's just the way it is
>> Well, they passed a law in '64
>> To give those who ain't got a little more
>> But it only goes so far
>> 'Cause the law don't change another's mind
>> When all it sees at the hiring time
>> Is the line on the color bar, no
>> That's just the way it is
>> Some things will never change
>> That's just the way it is
>> That's just the way it is, it is, it is, it is
>> On Tue, Oct 21, 2014 at 12:18 PM, Chris Zell <chrisz...@wetmtv.com>
>> wrote:
>>> I always liked Yossarian’s wisdom:  suppose everyone on our side felt
>>> that way?   Then I’d be a damned fool to be otherwise, wouldn’t I?

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